Important highlights of MERC hearing
Important highlights of MERC hearing:
1. MSEDCL representative said that actual Grid Support Charges are only Rs.1.68 = Rs.4.08 (Grid Support Charges) – Rs.2.40 (RPO Benefit availed by MSEDCL @Rate of Solar REC)
2. Solar was no. 1 agenda of the hearing. MASMA, EPCs and consumers vehemently opposed levy of any charges
3. MASMA is putting immense pressure on MERC. 15-20 members are on hunger strike at Pune Council Hall since last 3 days
4. Commission member Mr. Mukesh Khullar along with Mr. Abhijit Deshpande, Secretary presided the hearing
5. Many appealed MERC to repeal the clauses specifying Grid Support Charges and other charges on rooftop solar
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- In the matter of: MSEDCL’s tariff petition filed with MERC in regards to grid support charges ranging from Rs. 4.46 to Rs.8.86/unit
- Generic Renewable Energy Tariff for FY 2020-21 under MERC (Renewable Energy Tariff) Regulations, 2019