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  3. IMPORTANT: Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2018
IMPORTANT: Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2018

IMPORTANT: Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2018


RAJASTHAN ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION (RERC) has made the following Regulations to amend Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) Regulations, 2015  (1) These Regulations shall be called the “Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019.”

 Amendment in Regulation 10 of the Principal Regulations:

(A) The existing first proviso to the sub-regulation (3) of the Regulation 10 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under:

“Provided that in the event the electricity injected by a domestic category consumer exceeds the electricity consumed during the billing period, such excess injected electricity above 100 units shall be paid by the Distribution Licensee at Rs 3.00/unit where a capping of average generation of 4.8 units per kW of the approved installed capacity per day of the rooftop solar PV system shall be applicable:

Provided further that for domestic category, the net energy credits less than 100 units under Net Metering achieved in the particular billing period shall be adjusted in the next billing period till credit of 100 units is achieved: Provided also that in case of consumers, other than domestic category, the capping of 4.8 units per kW of the approved installed capacity per day shall also be applicable and the net surplus electricity remaining available at the end of the billing period of the respective category shall lapse and no payment shall be made for the same.”

(B) The existing sub-regulation (4) of the Regulation 10 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under:

“(4) When an Eligible Consumers leaves the system, that consumer’s unused credits for excess energy generated shall lapse and no payments shall be made.”

Please contact Mr. Sunil Bansal (Mobile: 99289-51705) , General Secretary, Rajasthan Solar Association & Director, Diwakar Renewable & Infra Pvt. Ltd.if you have any further questions or concerns.
For more information please see below link:
Source: RERC
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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