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Important: Rescheduling of Site-visit and Pre-bid meeting for the 8 MW Waste to Energy Project in Kanpur – EQ Mag Pro


This is in reference to the RfS issued for setting up of 8 MW Waste-to-Energy Project in Kanpur. The site-visit and pre-bid meeting for the Project have been rescheduled as follows:

Site-visit: 10.02.2022

Pre-bid meeting: 11.02.2022 (02:30 PM)

Venue for the Joint Site Visit is as follows: Solid Waste Management Plant, Panki Bhaw Singh Nagar, Kanpur Nagar-208020.

Prospective bidders interested to participate in the same are required to inform by intimating the names and email ids of respective participants (maximum of 2 officials from each organization) by mailing to biblesh@seci.co.in (7827683435).

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network