India Achieves 100 GW Milestone of Installed Renewable Energy Capacity
The total installed renewable energy capacity in India, excluding large hydro, has crossed the mile-stone of 100 GW.Today India stands at 4th position in the world in terms of installed RE capacity, 5th in solar and 4th in wind in terms of installed capacity.
India has set ambitious targets for itself in the area of Renewable Energy, which the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is committed to achieve.
While 100 GW has been installed, 50 GW is under installation and 27 GW is under tendering. India has also enhanced its ambition to install 450 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030.If large hydro is included the installed RE capacity increases to 146 GW.
The achievement of installed RE capacity of 100 GW is an important milestone in India’s journey towards its target of 450 GW by 2030. Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy Shri R.K. Singh also tweeted on the occasion.
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