The following is data on external commercial borrowings (ECB) and foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCB) and Rupee Denominated Bond(RDB)for November 2020 as available on the Reserve Bank of India's web site www.rbi.org.in * I AUTOMATIC ROUTE: Borrower Equivalent Purpose Maturity Amt in USD (in Yrs) ======== ========== ====== ======== ECB ---- BP Business Solutions India Pvt Ltd 37,052,113 Working Capital 5.06 Timezone Entertainment Pvt Ltd 1,994,388 Working Capital 6.02 ATS Conveyors India Pvt. Ltd. 1,181,895 Working Capital 8.08 Sensortec Innovation India Pvt Ltd 50,000 Working Capital 5.01 Axon Interconnectors and Wires Pvt Ltd 6,736,748 Working Capital 11.11 PCVUE India Pvt Ltd 92,676 Working Capital 5.02 Sanac India Pvt Ltd 287,394 Working Capital 5.00 BW Global United LPG India Pvt Ltd 45,000,000 Import of Capital Goods 5.00 Nordex India Pvt Ltd 21,557,593 Working Capital 5.00 Vena Energy Renewables Urja Pvt Ltd 17,515,544 New Project 8.05 Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd 29,547,377 Rupee Expenditure Loc.CG 7.06 Viega India Innovative Technologies Pvt Ltd 3,072,927 Working Capital 5.01 Aarti Drugs Ltd 15,000,000 Modernisation 6.00 Origami Dripbag Pvt Ltd 80,200 Import of Capital Goods 5.04 Bluocean Integrated Solutions Pvt Ltd 50,000 Working Capital 5.00 NGC Energy India Pvt Ltd 4,800,000 New Project 9.05 NGC Energy India Pvt Ltd 7,200,000 New Project 9.05 JWorld Electronics India Pvt Ltd 100,000 Working Capital 5.00 Ecogreen Energy Lucknow Pvt Ltd 650,000 Rupee Expenditure Loc.CG 5.08 NTPC Ltd 478,989,857 Infrastructure development 14.10 Olon Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(I)Pvt Ltd 9,500,000 Working Capital 9.11 Assurgen Pharma Pvt Ltd 3,309,306 Working Capital 6.01 Promat Fire & Insulation Pvt Ltd 2,363,790 Working Capital 6.05 HIPL India Pvt Ltd 118,190 Working Capital 7.11 Sanwin Electronic Technology (India) Pvt Ltd 3,000,000 Import of Capital Goods 5.09 Masaya Solar Energy Pvt Ltd 5,006,167 New Project 3.06 Masaya Solar Energy Pvt Ltd 5,210,500 New Project 3.06 Vena Energy Shivalik Wind Power Pvt Ltd 76,000,000 New Project 4.08 Turtle Wax Car Care India Pvt Ltd 500,000 Working Capital 7.08 Northern Operating Solutions Pvt Ltd 5,000,000 Import of Capital Goods 6.01 Doosan Bobcat India Pvt Ltd 3,000,000 Modernisation 1.00 Svatantra Microfin Pvt Ltd 5,909,475 Micro Finance 3.00 Svatantra Microfin Pvt Ltd 11,818,951 Micro Finance 3.03 RACL Geartech Ltd. 677,848 Import of Capital Goods 5.06 Kuibyshevazot Engineering Plastics (India) Pvt Ltd 94,552 New Project 10.00 PSA Avtec Powertrain Pvt Ltd 15,000,000 New Project 5.00 Bandai Namco India Pvt Ltd 714,286 Working Capital 5.04 Usui Susira International Pvt Ltd 4,850,458 Working Capital 10.00 Boogook Industries India Pvt Ltd 1,400,000 Working Capital 13.00 Talf Solar India Pvt Ltd. 118,190 Working Capital 3.00 Siepmann's Card Systems Pvt Ltd. 3,545,685 Working Capital 5.00 Navayuga Infra Projects Pvt Ltd 74,104,225 Working Capital 13.05 E-Land Apparel Ltd. 400,000 New Project 5.00 The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd 40,495,000 Refinancing of Earlier ECB 5.00 Applus India Pvt Ltd 1,500,000 Import of Capital Goods 7.07 Nissei Electric India Pvt Ltd 1,436,970 New Project 7.08 ONGC Videsh Ltd 700,000,000 Others 5.00 Ecologica Fibres Pvt Ltd 34,000 New Project 3.02 Vibgyor Printing And Packaging Pvt. Ltd. 673,675 Working Capital 5.10 Creative Polypack Ltd 3,327,953 Working Capital 5.10 Siemens Financial Services Pvt Ltd 26,946,991 On-lending/Sub-lending. 5.02 Janaadhar (India) Pvt Ltd 6,669,380 New Project 3.11 Candi Solar IN 1 Pvt Ltd 2,964,169 Working Capital 6.03 Youngseong India Pvt Ltd 200,000 Working Capital 5.01 Edmund Optics India Pvt Ltd 100,000 Working Capital 5.00 Wistron Infocomm Manufacturing (India) Pvt Ltd 30,000,000 Rupee Expenditure Loc.CG 3.00 Tuyasmart (India) Pvt Ltd 800,000 Working Capital 5.09 Gessmann Controllers India Pvt Ltd 1,181,895 Working Capital 5.00 Vee Rubber India Pvt Ltd 2,000,000 Refinancing of Rupee loans 14.11 Kai Manufacturing India Pvt Ltd 808,410 Working Capital 5.00 TSMT Technology (India) Pvt Ltd 10,000,000 Import of Capital Goods 3.00 Sheng Long Bio-Tech (India) Pvt. Ltd. 4,520,000 Rupee Expenditure Loc.CG 4.00 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd 200,000,000 Refinancing of Earlier ECB 3.06 Mikuni India Pvt Ltd 5,364,686 Working Capital 5.00 Par Formulations Pvt Ltd 10,000,000 Modernisation 5.05 Assam Petroleum Ltd 5,909,475 New Project 10.01 Wistron Infocomm Manufacturing (India) Pvt Ltd 30,000,000 Rupee Expenditure Loc.CG 3.00 Tropicana Logistics Pvt Ltd 767,989 Refinancing of Rupee loans 14.07 Ceres Biosystems India Pvt Ltd. 67,367 Working Capital 12.11 Samkwang India Electronic Pvt Ltd 3,300,000 Working Capital 10.00 Envision Scientific Pvt Ltd 750,000 Working Capital 8.06 Topband India Pvt Ltd 5,000,000 Working Capital 6.00 Ramky Atalian Pvt Ltd 910,059 Working Capital 6.06 Dorsch Consult India Pvt Ltd 229,049 Working Capital 5.00 TTOE Surface Protection Elbe Pvt Ltd 295,474 Working Capital 6.00 Wistron Infocomm Manufacturing (India) Pvt Ltd 30,000,000 Import of Capital Goods 3.00 Bellsonica Auto Component India Pvt Ltd 1,820,161 Modernisation 8.00 Tpri Technologies Pvt Ltd 335,293 Working Capital 5.00 Eucare Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. 970,092 Working Capital 5.00 Silgan Dispensing Systems India Pvt Ltd 2,626,433 New Project 4.06 Vidam Hospitality Pvt Ltd 172,000 Refinancing of Rupee loans 5.00 Shinebay Technologies India Pvt Ltd 2,860,000 Working Capital 5.01 VRX Sports Pvt Ltd 875,777 Working Capital 5.00 Mickeyfone Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd 2,500,000 Import of Capital Goods 9.01 Meero Technologies Pvt Ltd 2,363,790 Working Capital 7.01 Eto Motion Technologies India Pvt Ltd 1,145,247 Import of Capital Goods 5.01 ------------- Total - Automatic Route 2,044,521,673 II APPROVAL ROUTE*: ECB ---- - - - - ------------- Total - Approval Route - ============= Grand Total 2,044,521,673 * Based on applications for ECB/Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) which have been allotted loan registration number during the period. Data on RDB for the month of NOVEMBER 2020 ========================================== Borrower Loan Amount Equivalent Purpose Maturity Period In INR Amt in USD in Years (Appx) -------------- ------------- ---------- -------- ------- I AUTOMATIC ROUTE *: Blossom Investments Pvt Ltd 15,000,000 202,102 On-lending/Sub-lending. 3.00 ---------- Total Automatic Route 202,102 II APPROVAL ROUTE *: ---------------- - - - - - Total Approval Route - ----------- Grand Total - * Based on applications for Rupee Denominated Bond which have been allotted loan registration number during the period. MONTH AMOUNT RAISED (In USD) ECB FCCB NCPS ECB/BOND RDB ------------ ------------ --------- ----------- ---------- Nov-20 2,044,521,673 --- --- --- 202,102 Oct-20 2,032,676,261 --- --- --- --- Sep-20 5,223,139,770 --- --- --- --- Aug-20 1,569,225,571 35,931,200 --- --- 145,738,973 Jul-20 2,147,725,191 --- --- --- --- Jun-20 1,021,810,685 --- --- --- --- May-20 1,490,721,137 --- --- --- --- Apr-20 996,036,811 --- --- --- --- Mar-20 7,437,448,370 --- --- --- --- Feb-20 4,087,848,343 --- --- --- 87,573,052 Jan-20 7,769,748,848 --- --- --- 631,014,067 Dec-19 2,040,752,957 --- --- --- 55,981,877 Nov-19 2,115,322,022 --- --- --- 986,681 Oct-19 3,414,918,752 --- --- --- --- Sep-19 4,881,617,134 --- --- --- 7,009,313 Aug-19 3,316,570,634 --- --- --- --- Jul-19 4,929,893,776 --- --- --- 50,865,953 Jun-19 5,399,088,846 --- --- --- --- May-19 3,455,197,362 30,000,000 --- --- 62,574,238 Apr-19 3,157,354,216 --- --- --- 304,462 Mar-19 12,176,270,739 --- --- --- 548,772,917 Feb-19 2,811,867,493 --- --- --- --- Jan-19 2,391,728,469 25,140,687 --- --- --- Dec-18 3,769,351,326 --- --- --- 37,041,713 Nov-18 1,996,772,358 --- --- --- --- Oct-18 1,411,076,481 --- --- --- --- Sep-18 1,706,316,462 --- --- --- --- Aug-18 4,826,357,583 186,843 --- --- --- Jul-18 2,160,223,050 15,000,000 --- --- --- Jun-18 2,664,647,810 --- --- --- 49,415,083 May-18 1,347,230,986 --- --- --- --- Apr-18 3,764,183,545 --- --- --- 152,354,718 Mar-18 4,514,034,322 10,500,000 --- --- 549,983,596 Feb-18 2,324,612,580 --- --- --- 775,159,612 Jan-18 540,464,554 --- --- --- --- Dec-17 1,305,447,359 --- --- --- --- Nov-17 2,899,898,063 120,336,000 --- --- 18,500,646 Oct-17 3,893,367,638 197,240,000 --- --- 314,990,635 Sep-17 3,155,796,809 --- --- --- 201,735,233 Aug-17 1,565,054,234 --- --- --- 78,163,593 Jul-17 1,393,926,506 500,000,000 --- --- --- Jun-17 1,618,495,849 --- --- --- 15,362,413 May-17 523,949,283 --- --- --- 525,760,266 Apr-17 1,304,671,051 --- --- --- 394,530,215 Mar-17 1,697,244,866 --- --- --- 1,650,232,844 Feb-17 1,008,798,274 --- --- --- 1,217,699,458 Jan-17 1,803,958,497 --- --- --- 11,750,818 Dec-16 2,485,612,766 --- --- --- 315,504,769 Nov-16 277,810,030 --- --- --- 210,681,294 Oct-16 1,471,007,156 --- --- --- 299,635,793 Sep-16 1,574,302,215 --- --- --- 889,092,672 Aug-16 3,173,254,357 --- --- --- --- Jul-16 1,203,326,494 --- --- --- --- Jun-16 872,405,078 200,000,000 --- --- --- May-16 1,208,409,783 110,000,000 --- --- --- Apr-16 304,556,157 --- --- --- --- Mar-16 1,510,455,876 10,000,000 --- --- --- Feb-16 1,353,281,560 --- --- --- --- Jan-16 1,395,409,882 --- --- --- --- Dec-15 2,637,093,072 397,200,000 --- --- --- Nov-15 3,149,163,061 15,000,000 --- --- --- Oct-15 2,114,427,007 --- --- --- --- Sep-15 2,614,670,100 --- --- --- --- Aug-15 750,765,342 --- --- --- --- Jul-15 2,143,597,605 --- --- --- --- Jun-15 3,159,554,380 --- --- --- --- May-15 2,394,642,518 --- --- --- --- Apr-15 727,334,315 --- --- --- --- Mar-15 2,664,708,016 --- --- --- --- Feb-15 2,263,190,881 --- --- --- --- Jan-15 2,590,517,368 --- --- --- --- Dec-14 637,290,584 --- --- --- --- Nov-14 3,483,854,094 9,100,000 --- --- --- Oct-14 2,564,609,905 215,000,000 --- --- --- Sep-14 3,176,556,713 --- --- --- --- Aug-14 507,395,028 --- --- --- --- Jul-14 3,174,705,828 546,916,000 --- --- --- Jun-14 1,886,696,374 --- --- --- --- May-14 1,444,203,397 16,000,000 --- --- --- Apr-14 3,203,098,508 --- --- --- --- Mar-14 3,343,720,768 206,464,000 --- --- --- Feb-14 4,302,702,582 --- --- --- --- Jan-14 1,793,365,933 --- --- --- --- Dec-13 4,553,510,296 9,000,000 --- --- --- Nov-13 2,179,922,526 --- --- --- --- Oct-13 1,923,020,814 4,000,000 --- --- --- Sep-13 3,346,058,803 --- --- --- --- Aug-13 2,275,284,326 30,000,000 --- --- --- Jul-13 3,705,700,965 --- --- --- --- Jun-13 1,898,361,725 55,000,000 --- --- --- May-13 2,486,533,321 --- --- --- --- Apr-13 1,100,198,945 25,000,000 --- --- --- Mar-13 5,007,296,276 75,000,000 --- --- --- Feb-13 2,132,961,959 210,000,000 --- --- --- Jan-13 3,514,021,521 --- --- --- --- Dec-12 1,146,268,043 --- --- --- --- Nov-12 851,454,513 495,547,811 --- --- --- Oct-12 4,244,332,760 55,000,000 --- --- --- Sep-12 2,556,007,462 220,000,000 --- --- --- Aug-12 2,268,808,000 100,000,000 --- --- --- Jul-12 1,060,470,473 10,000,000 --- --- --- Jun-12 1,865,451,059 131,100,000 --- --- --- May-12 3,370,212,312 --- --- --- --- Apr-12 2,602,042,030 130,000,000 --- --- --- Mar-12 3,706,575,294 130,000,000 --- --- --- Feb-12 2,604,167,487 --- --- --- --- Jan-12 2,701,891,502 --- --- --- --- Dec-11 4,368,842,324 100,000,000 --- --- --- Nov-11 1,587,789,629 --- --- --- --- Oct-11 2,175,146,503 299,900,000 --- --- --- Sep-11 2,361,967,933 --- --- --- --- Aug-11 3,708,233,775 --- --- --- --- Jul-11 3,119,422,241 50,000,000 --- 1,000,000,000 --- Jun-11 3,327,528,412 7,500,000 --- --- --- May-11 2,378,060,485 274,760,342 --- --- --- Apr-11 1,859,990,637 205,000,000 --- --- --- Mar-11 5,631,129,175 --- --- --- --- Feb-11 1,440,596,600 --- --- --- --- Jan-11 2,709,292,776 --- --- --- --- Dec-10 3,201,070,965 200,000,000 14,684,509 --- --- Nov-10 1,128,735,143 --- --- --- --- Oct-10 6,896,932,734 110,000,000 --- --- --- Sep-10 3,091,029,308 --- --- --- --- Aug-10 789,407,168 300,000,000 --- --- --- Jul-10 1,069,571,109 95,000,000 --- --- --- Jun-10 1,491,293,179 300,000,000 --- --- --- May-10 329,370,106 130,000,000 --- --- --- Apr-10 2,682,731,822 135,000,000 --- --- --- Mar-10 4,274,723,804 47,515,424 --- --- --- Feb-10 1,884,590,993 307,540,000 --- --- --- Jan-10 1,319,808,499 --- --- --- --- Dec-09 1,481,488,376 88,000,000 --- --- --- Nov-09 948,665,587 1,405,000,000 --- --- --- Oct-09 710,718,566 1,875,000,000 --- --- --- Sep-09 1,334,574,808 175,000,000 --- --- --- Aug-09 1,074,565,695 15,000,000 --- --- --- Jul-09 1,925,218,112 90,000,000 --- --- --- Jun-09 1,919,040,454 --- --- --- --- May-09 433,294,987 61,001,000 --- --- --- Apr-09 286,131,203 12,500,000 --- --- --- Mar-09 1,113,889,039 --- --- --- --- Feb-09 452,600,428 --- --- --- --- Jan-09 1,337,075,026 --- --- --- --- Dec-08 1,669,176,485 --- --- --- --- Nov-08 1,702,483,384 --- --- --- --- Oct-08 1,125,229,136 --- --- --- --- Sep-08 2,834,948,838 --- --- --- --- Aug-08 1,368,871,456 234,500,000 --- --- --- Jul-08 2,471,814,017 --- --- --- --- Jun-08 1,428,882,984 38,000,000 --- --- --- May-08 1,026,054,601 250,000,000 --- --- --- Apr-08 940,815,213 220,000,000 --- --- --- Mar-08 4,386,904,729 90,000,000 --- --- --- Feb-08 420,114,190 442,000,000 --- --- --- Jan-08 1,677,655,433 210,000,000 --- --- --- (Mumbai Reporting Unit + 92 6180 7222/3317 7222 E-mail at rru.data@refinitiv.com)