KERC Notifies Provisional APPC Rate for FY 2021-22
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory commission(KERC) recently announced the Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost(APPC) for the FY 2021-22.
In accordance with the KERC (Procurement of energy from renewable sources) regulation, 2011, KERC notifies the APPC at INR 4.17/unit for the financial year 2021-22 with effect from 01.04.2021 for the purpose of renewable energy certificate(REC).
In accordance with the KERC (Procurement of energy from renewable sources) (7th amendment) regulation, 2019, the ESCOMs are entitled to to bill the RE generators selling them under REC mechanism at lower of INR 4.17/unit or 75% of the generic tariff determined for FY 22, for the respective RE source by the commission.
Commission also notifies that for the FY 2020-21, the difference of lower of the pooled cost of power purchase of the state of INR 4.04/unit or at 75% of the generic tariff determined for the respective RE source by the commission for the relevant year already paid by ESCOMs.
To the Generators selling them under REC mechanism and the lower of the revised APPC of INR 4.17/unit or at 75% of the Generic tariff determined for the respective RE source by the commission for the relevant year, shall be paid/received by ESCOMs in three equal installments, for the energy supplied from 1st April, 2020 to 31sth March, 2021.
Source: reconnectenergy
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- Draft KERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations ,2019
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