Lakewood puts electric vehicle charging station in Serpentini Winterhurst Arena parking lot
LAKEWOOD : OhioLakewood officials recently installed an electric vehicle charging station in the Serpentini Winterhurst Arena parking lot. This marks the city’s second such unit. Earlier this year a station went operational in the Lakewood City Center.
“This was a city council priority for the last three or four years,” Lakewood Councilman-at-Large Tom Bullock said. “While I want the city to use more clean vehicles in its own fleet, this is a kissing cousin issue.
“Having electric infrastructure so residents, shoppers and workers who are coming and going from Lakewood can use clean vehicles is actually an easier lift, which is why we started with that first.”
Both units had a combined $50,000 price tag with Lakewood using a portion of its 2018 $216,474 NOPEC Energized Community Grant to pay for the expenditure.
The Lakewood City Center boasts a level 2 charger (220v single phase), while the new Serpentini Winterhurst Arena unit is a level 3 rapid charger (480v, direct-current plug).
Lakewood Mayor Mike Summers, who drives a plug-in hybrid car, is excited about the new charging station at Serpentini Winterhurst Arena.
“The rapid electric vehicle charger now in service in the Winterhurst parking lot is the future of charging,” Summers said. “It’s designed for the all-electric car. It requires a DC fast charging port. This is different from the level 2 ports located at City Center.
“This new charger will allow these cars to fully charge in less than an hour. Travelers along I-90 can pull in and ‘top off’ to give them added range.”
The mayor noted the new charger requires three phase power and can only charge one car — albeit quickly — at a time using the ChargePoint app. Currently the city is providing free electricity.
“Lakewood is doing its part to support the transportation of the future,” Summers said. “Also, a new level 2 charger is being installed at the new Raising Cane’s restaurant near Bunts and Detroit. We hope to add additional level 2 chargers in the upcoming year.”
Bullock said Lakewood City Council this fall is expected to discuss the city’s options regarding the use of 2019 NOPEC grant funds.
“Some of the informal discussion is how do we think the first year of 2018 NOPEC funds has gone so far,” Bullock said. “Everybody thinks pretty darn good. What I’m going to advocate for is another two charging stations & adding LED lights to a couple of streets.”