In an effort to further save money for homeowners and businesses by lowering their energy bills, Legend Solar, the fastest-growing provider of solar power, has acquired an energy-efficiency company and created a new division. The company formerly known as Aspire Energy is now Legend Energy. The new division allows Legend Solar to offer homeowners and businesses a “Legend 360 Complete Modern Energy Package”—which includes a bundle of energy-efficient services designed to reduce the amount of power used, and thereby reduce the size of the solar array needed to offset the customer’s energy consumption.The new Legend Energy has a long history of offering products and education to help customers conserve energy, save money, protect the environment and add to the comfort of a home. Many of its energy-efficient products will be in the new Legend 360 Complete Modern Energy Package. The package includes ways to save energy in many areas of the home or business, including multi-layer insulation, solar fans, air conditioner treatments, and a performance package that includes LED lighting and other energy-saving options.
“Conserving energy is just as important as generating it,” said Shaun Alldredge, co-founder and co-owner of Legend Solar. “Our new Legend Energy services will help homes and businesses tap into not only the sun but also other green energy best practices. This unique combination is a first in our industry—helping homeowners save more than if they were doing all this separately.”
Following is a detailed description of each option to help seal, insulate and ventilate homes and businesses:
1) The Performance Package. First and importantly, because every home is unique, the home is inspected—using thermal imaging—to identify areas of energy loss. Then, protrusions and cracks are sealed to stop the transfer of conditioned air and radiant heat. Next, insulation is leveled to clear soffit vents and provide appropriate attic airflow. High-efficiency LED lighting is then installed throughout the home.
2) Multi-layer insulation (MLI). Installed in the attic, two highly reflective aluminum surfaces surrounding a fibrous center blanket core create a compound effect for a home or business—helping it resist radiant, conductive and convective heat. MLI absorbs the heat from the attic keeping it away from the insulation. The result is a more comfortable home with a lower utility bill.
3) Solar fan. A solar attic ventilation fan prevents moisture, heat buildup, and radon gases from impacting a home or office building. The ventilation system works by expelling these elements out through a ducting system using a brushless motor. By operating completely off solar power and removing the excessive heat and moisture, the fan helps keep a home or office healthy for years.
4) A/C tune-up. Air-conditioning units get clogged over time with oil build-up, making the units less efficient due to ever-tightening passageways in the pipes. With synthetic-engineered bluemaxx™ for A/C liquid added, the pipes are cleaned out, Freon flows more freely, and the energy savings on air-cooled and water-cooled systems can be drastic.
“We’re excited to be part of the only company that offers a full range of energy efficiency services to help homeowners and businesses to not only produce their own energy but also conserve energy,” said Steve Haycock, co-founder of the new Legend Energy division. “Legend Energy services can improve your home efficiency by up to 30 percent, which in turn reduces the number of solar panels you need. Combined, our solutions attack the problem from multiple angles, which means more guaranteed savings for the homeowner.” Legend Solar is the only solar provider willing to put its money where its power is. With its 25-Year Power Payback Guarantee, if a customer’s solar panels don’t produce at least 90 percent of the estimated amount they will produce, Legend Solar will send a check for the difference. Legend Energy services are available immediately for all current and future Legend Solar customers.