LETTER: Charging stations are for electric vehicles
With Labour Day and beach season coming to an end, my wife and I decide one last day of sun and surf at Brackley Beach. We arrived late morning and departed mid-afternoon. Lo and behold, we arrive in the parking lot, barely a fifth full, and there, on the beginning of the third row, are six spots with electric vehicle charging stations and five are being used by cars that obviously have no need for e-charging.
As we get into our vehicle, I observe a vehicle taking the sixth spot. I bring to his attention these are e-charging stations, so he backs out and moves on, thankfully, because an electric vehicle pulls in and plugs into the e-station. I cannot comprehend what individuals are thinking when they park their vehicles in e-charging parking spots for the afternoon without a second thought about those who need the use of these stations. And does Parks Canada during their patrols do any enforcement concerning unnecessary parking in these spots?