PUNE: The state government’s energy department has directed all government offices, malls, hospitals and other big establishments to follow energy conservation rules as per the energy conservation policy.
The energy conservation policy was cleared by the cabinet last year. This year, rules are being readied, stated an energy department official. The rules will be in public domain soon, the official added.
The state government’s new energy conservation policy promises to save Rs 6,000 crore and 1,000 megawatt of electricity and the target is meant to be achieved over a period of five years.
Officials told TOI that rules are being readied and all government departments, malls as well as offices will have to switch to energy saving devices. With the rules coming into effect, new constructions have to seek permission accorinf to the energy conservation policy rules and old buildings will have to abide by the rules, stated the official
“The emphasis is on use of renewable energy like solar and switching to energy efficient LED bulbs in government departments. The policy will also ensure that all new buildings adapt to green energy,” stated the official.
All recent constructions, including the new Pune collectorate building, follow the green energy norms, added the official.
Through this project and new rules, the government can set a target of saving nearly 1,000 MW over the next five years, added the official, stating that Maharashtra is the first state in the country to come out with such a policy and rules.
While welcoming the idea of renewable energy, officials from various government departments stated that while new buildings will adhere to green norms, existing buildings have not been constructed as per the new norms and if one were to cut down on electricity, it would be difficult for them to operate.
“For instance, the old central building hardly has receives any sunlight during the day time and lights have to be kept on throughout the day,” stated an official.
The new policy is expected to lead to revenue earning of Rs 1,200 crore for the state government and generate employment for nearly 8,000 persons.