MERC: Composite RPO targets for the CPPs commissioned before 1 April 2016 shall be 9%
Case of Captive Power Producers Association Seeking capping of RPO for captive power plants and to relax or waive the provisions of the MERC RPO Regulations, 2016
Therefore, in exercise of power under Regulation 19 of RPO-REC Regulations 2016, the Commission rules that the composite RPO targets for the CPPs commissioned before 1 April 2016 shall be 9% for the Operating Period of such Regulations, Provided that in case of any augmentation of the Captive Generating Plant, the RPO target for augmented capacity shall be equal to the RPO target applicable for the year in which such augmented capacity has been commissioned. For the Projects commissioned on or after 1 April 2016, the composite RPO target shall be equal to the target applicable for the year in which project is commissioned, for the Operating Period of RPO-REC Regulations 2016 onwards.
For more information please see below link:
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