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Ministry Achieves Target of Planting 80 Crore Saplings Under ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ Campaign – EQ

Ministry Achieves Target of Planting 80 Crore Saplings Under ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ Campaign – EQ


In Short : The Ministry’s “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” campaign successfully planted 80 crore saplings, honoring mothers and promoting environmental conservation. This initiative emphasizes the importance of trees in combating climate change, enhancing biodiversity, and improving air quality. Achieving this target reflects widespread public participation and the government’s commitment to a greener, more sustainable future through community-driven afforestation efforts.

In Detail : 80 Crore Saplings Target Achieved 5 Days Ahead of Deadline

The target was to plant 80 crore saplings by September 2024

Prime Minister had launched ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ Campaign on World Environment Day, 2024

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change has achieved an important target under tree plantation campaign ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ Campaign. The target was plantation of 80 crore seedlings by September, 2024. The target has been achieved today. This has been made possible through collective efforts of Government Agencies, village level institutions, the local people and other stake holders.

Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam is a special country wide Tree Plantation Campaign launched on World Environment Day, 5th June 2024. Under the campaign, people are encouraged to plant a tree as mark of love, respect and honour for their mother and also to take a pledge for protecting trees and mother earth. The campaign aims for halting land degradation and eco-restoration of degraded land parcels.

Planting such a massive number of trees will contribute to offsetting carbon emissions, reducing soil erosion, and improving air quality. It reflects a growing national focus on sustainable development and environmental responsibility. This achievement also highlights the impact of community-driven conservation efforts, as individuals and organizations from across the country collaborate to achieve this target.

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network