Union Ministry of Power has taken a review regarding power supply position in the country, especially the northern region, and preparedness of various utilities during the forthcoming summer season. The meeting was chaired by Shri P.K. Pujari, Secretary, Power and attended by representatives from State Governments, India Meteorological Department (IMD), CEA, POSOCO, various Regional and State Load dispatch Centres (RLDCs/SLDCs).
Based on IMD’s report, it was observed that temperatures would be above normal during the March-May 2017. In the recent release dated 27th March 2017 by IMD, it was noted that the temperature during the last week of March was 4-6 degrees above normal, constituting heat wave conditions in many areas.
The present prevailing power demand and the projections were reviewed for each state, region and an All India basis. It was observed that while the power demand in Northern Region would peak to the extent of 56 GW during April to Sep 2017 period. The demand in Southern region has already peaked to 42 GW while Western Region has touched 50 GW and expected to reduce to 46 GW between April-June. The All India peak demand during the summer is expected to be of the order of 165 GW.
It was noted that generation resource was adequate during the period considering enough coal fired capacity available in the country. There is a fall in reservoir levels in Southern Region compared to last year, leading to 700 MU reduction in energy content as on date. Certain states may experience constraints due to limitations in the transmission and distribution network at the intra state level. To combat the same, the State utilities were advised to complete the transmission systems in the pipeline.
The state utilities of Northern region are required to face the dust storm and thunderstorm related disturbances in the electricity grid during April-June period which often caused 6-7 GW reduction in load. They utilities were advised to coordinate generation reduction in such cases so that the disturbances in the grid are minimized.
Further, considering the past instances of transmission tower collapses, the state utilities were advised to keep Emergency Restoration Systems (ERS) ready. CEA would monitor the availability of ERS across different state utilities and transmission licensees. It was also decided that POSOCO and the SLDCs would work closely with IMD for getting tailor made forecasts/web based weather information for better planning and reliability of supply.
The State of Uttar Pradesh was advised to augment the intra state transmission systems expeditiously as the shortages reported by the State were primarily on account of lack of the necessary transmission & distribution infrastructure within the state.
Principal Secretary, Energy, Government of Delhi informed that the transmission constraints within Delhi system is being resolved. However, there is a need to maintain generation in Badarpur TPS and ensure gas supply to the combined cycle gas stations within Delhi till then. Jammu & Kashmir was also advised undertake planned sub-transmission & distribution system within the state.