MNRE: Amended Guidelines for installation of prototype wind turbine models
Ministry issued guidelines for installation of prototype wind turbine models on 22.05.2012. Amendments to these guidelines were issued on 20.09.2012 and on 01.06.2016. To facilitate the stakeholders the guidelines with amendments are being issued by the Ministry as under: The Ministry has decided to permit the installation of a limited number of prototype wind turbines to facilitate indigenization and encourage national industry. The guideline document is applicable for all the wind turbine manufacturers in India, who wish to install prototype wind turbine model(s) in the country and synchronize with the Indian grid system. It is desirable to allocate land on “footprint basis” for installation of prototype wind turbine(s). The Ministry’s D.O. letter no. 61/20/2011-WE dated 15.05.2012 may be referred in this regard. The guidelines will be implemented by the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai. More Information guidelines prototype wind turbine