MNRE:Clarification on eligibility of CFA for Grid Tied (Without net metering facility)
Reference has been received from different agencies on clarification regarding
eligibility of CFA for grid tied (without net metering facility). In this context as per the scheme guidelines on Grid Connected Rooftop and Small Power Plants programmes no. 301l1l2012-13INSM dated 26th June 2014. rooftop projects are defined as follows:-
Grid connected rooftop solar power plant: – (Paral.l of scheme no. 30/11/12012-
l3 INSM dated 26.06.2014)
In grid connected rooftop or small SPV system, the DC power generatedfrom SPV panel is converted to AC power using power conditioning unit and isfed to the grid either of33 kV/II kV three phase lines or of 440/220 Volt three/single phase line depending on the capacity of the system installed at institution/commercial establishment or residential complex and the
regulatory framework specified for respective States. They generate power during the day time which is utilized fully by powering captive loads and feed excess power to the grid as long as grid is available. In case, where solar power is not sufficient due to cloud cover etc.,the captive loads are served by drawing power from the grid. The grid-interactive rooftop system can work on net metering basis wherein the beneficiary pays to the utility on net meter
reading basis only. Alternatively two meters can also be installed to measure the export and import of power separately. The mechanism based on gross metering at mutually agreed tariff can also be adopted. Many such power plants can be installed at the roofs of residential and commercial complex, housing societies. community centre, government organisations.private institutions etc.
2. Therefore the captive plants are already covered under the scheme. However, for clarity of the guidelines the following line is be included in the guidelines for greater clarity>Grid connected solar rooftop power plants with captive consumption is also eligible for CFA under the “Grid Connected Solar Roof top Programme” (with or without net metering/gross metering).
3. At the time of claiming CFA, a joint inspection certificate (Consumer, developer and/or SNAs/DisComs) will be submitted to MNRE in this regard.
Undertaking by Rooftop Owner! Consumer & developer regarding no injection to grid will also required to be submitted.