MNRE:Quality Certification, Standards and Testing for Grid-connected Rooftop Solar PV Systems/Power Plants
Quality certification and standards for grid-connected rooftop solar PV systems are essential for the successful mass-scale implementation (in-order to achieve 40 GW of rooftop solar target under ‘National Solar Mission’ programme) of this technology. It is also imperative to put in place an efficient and rigorous monitoring mechanism, adherence to these standards. In-addition, a few standards which are still under development/draft need to be introduced in the ongoing rooftop solar PV programmes at the earliest. The relevant standards and certifications for a grid-connected rooftop solar PV system/plant (component-wise, upto LVside) are given below: [currently, all applicable standards (International and Indian) are listed, and bifurcation of mandatory and advisory is done More InformationRooftop-Solar-PV-Quality-Standards_Revised
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