New clean energy joint venture to tackle the Zimbabwean PV market
The meeco Group on September 6, 2016 at 11:47 Located in Southern Africa, Zimbabwe is one of the sunniest and best irradiated areas in the world. The weather conditions are perfectly suitable for solar energy solutions, which are getting more and more interesting for the government and private investors. In the past the national grid was not always reliable and many companies and households have to deal with load shedding and power cuts. While for remote off-grid areas, alternative power sources are sought. The energy from the abundant sunlight seems to be the best solution to meet the country’s power demand and, at the same time, allows for economic growth. In order to foster the development of the green economy, the Swiss-based clean energy provider The meeco Group has decided to join forces with the Zimbabwean leader of electric industrial manufacturing and distribution Powerspeed Electrical.
The main goal of this new joint venture, which has been named Onesun Solar Ltd. is the utilisation of synergy effects by joining together to build clean energy projects country-wide. Therefore, meeco delivers its solar turnkey solutions, such as the solar energy generation and storage system sun2live, the rooftop solar solution sun2roof and the intelligent energy management system sun2safe. These innovative solar power solutions are being sold through Powerspeed’s sixteen outlets in Zimbabwe and also directly to private and commercial clients.
The most requested solar solution is the energy management system sun2safe, which perfectly meets the energy requirements of private households and other small to medium-sized facilities. Onesun Solar Ltd. has already purchased 19 sun2safe units for the Zimbabwean market. The first 10 kVA-sized sun2safe was implemented directly in the centre of an Electrosales Hardware outlet, a division of Powerspeed, for showcasing the benefits of the product to clients. A second unit (10 kVA) was installed in the Powerspeed Central Stores premises.
“Today, Powerspeed is one of the most experienced hardware and electrical retailers in Zimbabwe, with an excellent market position and network”, explains Sebastian Bovensiepen, Chief Operating Officer of meeco. “Our mutual expertise makes Onesun Solar Ltd. the most experienced PV provider in Zimbabwe, which will have a significant impact on the development of the photovoltaic market in Zimbabwe.” This promising partnership introduced the new sun2roof Solution for Zimbabwe and will implement sun2roof systems from 50 to 400 kWp on rooftops in Zimbabwe.