New era of solar power dawns on Navyug college
The campus of Navyug Kanya Degree College will go green from the new academic session as it gets a 10KW solar power plant installed on the campus to meet its power needs as also to overcome problem of power cuts.
The college will be the first of 159 LU associated colleges to use solar energy. At present, only Lucknow University science dean block and the renewable energy department on the second campus have been using solar energy to save non-renewable sources of energy. A power plant of 5KW is installed at both places on the university campus.
“Initially, the college’s administrative and science blocks will be using solar energy and gradually the entire campus will be running on solar power,” said principal Neerja Gupta. She said over 60 fans and tube lights and 10 computers could be run with power generated by the plant.
She added that the college will not only be saving money but also prove to be a valuable energy source. The work of installation has already begun with the help of Uttar Pradesh New and Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA), she added.
Every month, expense of around Rs 14000 on electricity bill of the administrative and science block will be reduced to Rs 5,000 with the use of solar energy. The college plans to run the entire campus on solar energy by the end of this year.