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NIT for setting up of 1200 MW Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Projects (Tranche-IV)


NIT for setting up of 1200 MW ISTS-Connected Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Projects (Tranche-IV) under tariff-based competitive bidding

Notice Inviting Tender

SECI hereby intimates its intent for procurement of hybrid power through a Request for Selection (RfS) document for setting up of 1200 MW ISTS-Connected Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Projects in India (Tranche-IV).

The RfS document for 1200 MW Hybrid Power Projects in India (Tranche-IV) will be issued by 15th April, 2021, on the website of SECI (www.seci.co.in) and ETS website (https://www.bharat-electronictender.com). Prospective bidders are requested to remain updated on these websites for further details.

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network