New Delhi: Shri R. K. Singh, Union Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy reviewed the coal stock position in thermal power plants including the plants supplying power to distribution companies of Delhi. The Minister has directed that distribution companies of Delhi will get as much as power as requisitioned by them as per their demand.
NTPC and DVC have been directed to give full availability as per the requirement of DISCOMs. GAIL India Limited has also assured to make gas available from all sources viz., APM, SPOT, LT-RLNG sources to gas based power plants in Delhi. NTPC has also been advised to offer the normative declared capacity to the Delhi DISCOMs as per their allocations from gas-based power plants under respective PPAs.
There has been no shortage of electricity supply to the State of Delhi. As per data provided by Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO), in the month of April 2022, the peak Demand has gone upto 6096 MW (29th April, 2022) and there has been no shortage in meeting maximum(peak) demand. The entire energy requirement is also being met in Delhi which is about 123.6 MU (on 29th April, 2022).
The distribution companies (DISCOMs) in Delhi viz. Tata Power, BSES Rajdhani, and BSES Yamuna have been getting power from the power plants based on declared capacity. The installed Generation Capacity in the State of Delhi is 3056 MW. The government of Delhi has surrendered its share of power from NTPC Dadri Stage I (840 MW) and now the total allocation of power from the Central Generating Stations is 3806 MW while allocation from unallocated power is 30 MW. Thus a total capacity of 6892 MW is available for the State of Delhi. The power demand of Delhi is met mainly from allocation from central sector power stations which includes allocation from Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear and gas based power stations
NTPC and DVC have PPAs from coal based plants for Delhi. NTPC supplies power from Dadri (728 MW), Indira Gandhi STPP Jhajjar (693 MW), Singrauli (150 MW), Rihand (358 MW), Unchahar (100 MW) and Kahalgaon (180 MW). DVC has allocation of 400 MW for Delhi- Chandrapura TPs (300 MW) and Mejia TPS (100 MW). All these plants have sufficient coal stock reserves. The stocks are replenished on a daily basis- both from domestic sources and coal imported for blending purposes. NTPC and DVC have been declaring 100% availability from their power stations.
Indraprastha power generation Company Ltd (IPGCL) and Pragati Power Corporation Ltd (PPCL) are the two State owned power generation companies of Delhi State. Presently, IPGCL & PPCL have three operational plants Gas Turbine Power station (GTPS), Pragati Power Station-I (PPS-I) and Pragati Power Station -III (PPS-III), Bawana with rated capacity 270 MW, 330 MW and 1371 MW respectively. These plants are running at partial capacity which need to be ramped up to meet the requirements of Delhi.