Notice for Uploading of Addendum-01 and Postponement of Pre-bid meeting of NIT for Manufacturing
This has reference to the NIT No. (SECI/C&P/IITB/SoUL/102016) for Manufacturing and Supply of 5 lakh Solar Urja Lamp (SoUL) kits. Sealed tenders are invited by SECI Ltd. On behalf of IIT Bombay for manufacture and supply of Solar Urja Lamp Kits. The tender has been uploaded on https://www.tcil-india-electronictender.com/etshome/EtsHomePage.aspx (Only viewed on Microsoft Internet explorer 10.x or above browser).
The Addendum-1 shall be considered replacement of tender document uploaded on 27.10.2016. The Pre-bid meeting was scheduled on 10.11.2016 is hereby Postponed to 15.11.2016 (11:00 Hrs) at SECI office, Saket (New Delhi).
TSC-based Search Code: SECI-2016-TN000051
For Tender document please see above link:
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