OERC announces a hike of 30 paise per unit of electricity
Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC) on Saturday announced a hike of 30 paise per unit of electricity in the state for fiscal 2021-22.
The power tariff hike is about 5.6 per cent in retail power tariff, said OERC secretary Priyabrat Patnaik, adding that the tariff of BPL and irrigation consumers will remain unchanged. The new power tariff will come into effect from April 4, he said.
Patnaik said there will be no change in monthly minimum fixed charge, demand change and meter rent. “The hike is 30 paise or 5.6 per cent across categories of electricity consumers in the state,” the OERC secretary said.
The Commission has passed orders on retail supply tariff of Discoms, bulk supply, price of GRIDCO, transmission tariff of OPTCL, generation tariff of OHPC and OPGC and SLDC charges for the year 2021-22.
The OERC order mentioned that two per cent rebate over and above normal rebate will be allowed on the bill for the LT domestic consumers and single phase general purpose category for consumers who pay through digital means.
This rebate will be applicable on the current month bill if paid in full. This apart, 2 per cent rebate shall be allowed to all prepaid consumers on prepaid amount, the order said.
As per the OERC order, charging of electric vehicles shall be treated as GP (general purpose) category. The rural LT (low tension) domestic consumers will get 5 paise per unit rebate in addition to existing prompt payment rebate who draw their power through correct meter and pay bill in time, it said.
There is a rise of 3 paise per unit in transmission tariff raising it to 28 paise per unit from 25 paise per unit, it said.
However, the average tariff of OHPC has been reduced by 2.3 per cent from 91.39 paise to 89.28 paise per unit. The average annual BSP (bulk supply price) has been revised to 296.29 paise per unit for fiscal 2021-22 as against 287.70 paise per unit in FY 2020-21.
As per official sources, GRIDCO (Grid corporation of Odisha) will purchase 28791.96 MU power during FY 2021-22 and sale 27870 MU to DISCOMs and emergency power supply of 60 MU to CGP (captive generating plant).