Shri Vijay Bhai Rupani – Honourable Chief Minister Inaugurated Solar Project at Vapi Chala WTP on the auspicious occasion of Shaheri Sukhakari Divas to make Urban Locations More Self Reliant.
Electricity consumption plays a major role in operation of Sewerage Treatment Plants and to reduce the electricity bill It was decided by the State Government to use solar panel in STP/WTP for saving of electricity consumption and GUDC was appointed as a Nodal Agency to implement the project on entire state.
GUDC has been designated as the nodal agency by the State Government for implementation of solar projects. The Project was allocated to Imagine Powertree Private Limited. The key challenge of the project was to achieve solar capacity as land was not available in the Vapi Chala WTP for Solar Installation.
Due to this reason it was decided to install Innovative Solar Power tree & Vertical Solar Design which will give 1.5 Lacs Units of clean energy each year & it will reduces 1.23 Lacs of CO2 Emission from atmosphere.
This will be also becoming an attractive tourism place as this project established a world record by installation of 16 Kw Solar Power tree which broke previous record of 11.5 Kw of CSIR West Bengal.
This patented technology will also save total 8500 Sq Ft Space in the land and provide an equal benefit of planting 185 teak tree every year. This project will inspire millions of people visiting Vapi Chala Lake about Solar and its benefits.
The company CEO Mr. Shani Pandya said that “This Solar Project highlights Gujarat’s Commitment for Making the Urban Locations Self Sustainable which aligned with vision of Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Chief Minister to make our country Self Reliant.
I would also like to share that Shri Hardik Shah – Independent Director GUDC, Shri Rajkumar Beniwal, IAS and entire GUDC, Nagarpalika & GERMI Team Provided great support for successful execution of the project”