Petition for determination of transmission tariff from COD
Petition for determination of transmission tariff from COD to 31.3.2019 for Asset-1: 2 nos. 400 kV bays at Samba Sub-station for Amargarh to Samba (Powergrid) Northern Region System Strengthening Scheme-XXIX (NRSS-XXIX) in Northern Region.
For more information please see below link:
Related posts:
- In the matter of: Application for adoption of transmission charges with respect to the Transmission System being established by Udupi Kasargode Transmission Limited
- In the matter of: Corrigendum to order dated 27.1.2020 in Petition No. 266/TT/2018
- In the matter of: Petition for truing up of fees and charges for 2009-14
- Petition of the CERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014