Shri Lalchharliana Pachuau appointed as Member Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram
Shri R K Singh, Union Minister of State (IC) for Power and New & Renewable Energy administered the oath of Office and Secrecy to Shri Indu Shekhar Jha here today. Shri Jha was appointed Member of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) vide Order dated 4.1.2019. Prior to this, he was holding the post of CMD, Powergrid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) since 2015.
In addition, Shri Lalchharliana Pachuau was appointed as Member, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram from Mizoram side. Shri Pachuau has been appointed for a period of five years or till the age of 65 years whichever is earlier in accordance with the provisions in the Memorandum of Agreement signed by the State Governments of Manipur and Mizoram. He has worked as Chief (Engg) in JERC for Manipur & Mizoram since July 2013.
About CERC:
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) had been established by the Government of India under the provisions of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions (ERC) Act, 1998. CERC is the Central Commission for the purposes of the Electricity Act, 2003 which has repealed the ERC Act, 1998. The Commission consists of a Chairperson and four other Members including Chairperson, Central Electricity Authority who is the ex-officio Member of the Commission.
Major functions of CERC under the Act, inter-alia, are –
- to regulate the tariff of generating companies owned or controlled by the Central Government,
- to regulate the tariff of other generating companies having a composite scheme for generation and sale of electricity in more than one State,
- to regulate the inter-State transmission of electricity and to determine tariff for such transmission of electricity, etc.
Under the Act, CERC shall also advise the Central Government on-
- formulation of National Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy;
- promotion of competition, efficiency and economy in activities of electricity industry;
- promotion of investment in electricity industry; and
- any other matter referred to the Central Commission by the Government.
About JERC:
The Central Government constituted Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) for Manipur and Mizoram in pursuance of provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 and the Memorandum of Agreement signed by the State Governments of Manipur and Mizoram, authorizing Government of India to constitute a JERC on their behalf. It is a two-Member Commission, each Member representing the respective participating State. The Central Government appoints the Members of the Commission from Manipur and Mizoram sides under the provisions of the Act and in pursuance of MoA.
The major functions of the Commission under the Act, inter-alia, are-
- to regulate the tariff for generation, supply, transmission and wheeling of electricity, whole sale, bulk or retail as the case may be within the State;
- to regulate the electricity purchase of distribution licensees,
- facilitate intra-state transmission and wheeling of electricity;
- issue licenses to transmission licensees, distribution licensees and electricity traders;
- promote cogeneration and generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy and
- adjudicate upon the disputes between the licensees and generating companies, etc.
Source: pib.nic.in