Union Minister for Power and MNRE Shri R.K Singh chaired a meeting with Power Foundation virtually yesterday. Secretary Power, Shri Alok Kumar, Secretary MNRE Shri Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, CMDs of Power PSUs were also present in the meeting. The meeting encompassed discussion on the aims, operational structure with regards to R&D, policy advocacy and communications strategy of the Power Foundation.
Minister Singh directed all officers to leverage Power Foundation to conduct evidence based research studies to facilitate India’s Energy Transition journey and promote consumer awareness around e-mobility and electric cooking.
The Minister suggested for the Power Foundation to undertake studies on the following:
- Accelerating hydropower development in India.
- Developing a strategic roadmap for decarbonization in India.
- Relevance of FGD technology as an alternative in meeting Environment norms.
- Large Scale Integration of RE.
- Roadmap for energy transition for the country in short term, medium term & long term.
Other Suggested studies to be taken up:
- Review and optimization of power procurement costs of discoms in India.
- Investments required for 500 GW of non-fossil fuel-based capacity; issues related to the market instrumentalization.
- Grid-Scale Storage, Energy Storage (Battery Storage & other options).
- Hydrogen Economy: Options before India.
Power Foundation is also going to assist the Ministry of Power as a knowledge partner for India’s G20 Presidency and Clean Energy Ministerial.
About Power Foundation:
Power Foundation is a registered society with aim to be the foremost policy advocacy body which would engage in national dialogues on power and allied sectors, providing authoritative analysis, data, policy recommendations, and real-world solutions to help states provide. secure and sustainable energy for all and to create smooth pathways for India’s Energy Transition.
It also aims to undertake pioneering efforts in commissioning independent and evidence based research studies, through credible institutions on various aspects concerning energy transition in power sector and subsequently disseminate the gathered information through appropriate communication channels for creating awareness amongst the identified stakeholders.