Pre-Bid Meeting & Site Visit Notification: Tender for Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning and comprehensive O&M of 150 MW (AC) Solar PV Power Plant at various locations of SCCL at Telangana State, India
This has reference to the NIT documents (NIT No. SECI/C&P/NIT/2018/SCCL150 dated 06.08.2018) regarding the Tender for Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning and comprehensive O&M of 150 MW (AC) Solar PV Power Plant at various locations of SCCL at Telangana State, India.
In reference to the above subject matter, A Pre-Bid/clarification Meeting shall be organized at the Office of GM (Material Procurement), Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., Kothagudem, Telangana on 20/08/2018 (Monday) at 1100 Hrs Onwards.
Maximum 02 (Two) persons from the respective Bidder company are allowed to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting.
Bidders are required to send their confirmation mail on SECI website at contracts@seci.co.in to attend the Pre-Bid meeting latest by 17/08/2018. Mail confirmation is sought mandatorily from bidder side in this regard, so that necessary arrangements can be done.
Bidders are required to kindly be updated through SECIs website www.seci.co.in for any further updates regarding this Tender.
Site Visit Schedule:
Prospective Bidders are advised to visit the site to study the actual conditions and go through the plans/ drawings connected to the present scope of work etc including power evacuation system and get acquainted with the same before attending Pre-bid meeting. For seeking visit of site or any clarifications bidders may contact the General Manager (E&M) PHs & Ws / SCCL (e-mail : gm_eph@scclmines.com).
The proposed Solar powered plants are to set up at various areas of SCCL, i.e., in the districts of Bhadradri Kothagudem, Peddapalli, Mancherial districts of Telangana State.
The Bidder at the Bidder’s own responsibility, cost and risk shall inspect and examine the site and its surrounding, and shall satisfy themselves fully before submitting bids as to the form and nature of the site, the geological conditions decisive for the success of the project, the means of access to the site, the loading and unloading facilities etc. In general, the Bidders shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances susceptible to influence or affect their bids.
Although certain information is provided in Scope of work of this tender document, it should be checked by the Bidders, any neglect or failure to obtain or confirm such information will not relieve the Bidders from any liability or responsibilities to carry out the works according to the contract. SCCL will assist the Bidders in obtaining the data required but will not assume responsibility either for the data obtained or for their completeness.
It shall be deemed that the tenderer has visited the site/area and got fully acquainted with the working conditions and other prevalent conditions and fluctuations thereto whether he visits the site/area or not and has taken all the factors into account while quoting his rates.