The renewable energy venture of the Hero group, Hero Future Energies (HFE), with a rooftop solar portfolio of ~ 15 MW as on date, has been executing prominent rooftop solar projects across India since 2012. The company has recently commissioned ~ 1 MW for Delhi Technical University (DTU), Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology (NSIT), Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTU) and Shaheed Sukhdev Singh College with IPGCIL as its nodal agency in Delhi.
The intent of solarising educational institutes has far reaching impact on the environment and the society. Once again technical universities of Delhi strengthened its numero Uno position by going solar for four of its institutes in a row.
Shri R. K. Srivastava, Executive Officer, Government of NCT of Delhi commented, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Management Centre, Department of Power GNCTD is committed to work towards making Delhi a Solar City and this is the first step towards it. Till now solar PV plants with a total capacity of 32MW have been installed in Delhi by various stakeholders and Delhi Secretariat is also running on solar power to a large extent. We are further working on many more projects in the months ahead. I, congratulate Hero Future Energies for successful completion of 1MW capacity allocated to them and hope that they will keep giving their contribution.”
Mr. Sunil Jain, CEO, Hero Future Energies while flagging off the projects commented, “Educational institutes are ideal case studies for rooftop solar. The output from rooftop plants, can be consumed optimally without the need to store, due to their huge requirements and daytime peak working hours at the campuses. HFE prides itself in associating with such large educational institutions, some of our marquee rooftop solar projects in the construction phase include, Benaras Hindu University, Kochi metro project, Jaipur metro project and others.”
The company has worked as a team with individual institutes, to assess their requirements, thus deliver best in class project engineering. HFE’s in-house team has designed, installed, commissioned the systems, and will be maintaining them for 25 years. The individual project capacity and subsequent CO2 emissions and mangrove equivalent tabulation is as follows:
ame of Institute | Project capacity in KW | Electricity generated / annum | CO2 saved / annum (tons/ annum) | Equivalent Mangrove plantation (Hectare) |
Delhi Technological University | 432 | 561600 | 489 | 14.0 |
Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology | 324 | 421200 | 366 | 10.5 |
Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University | 168 | 218400 | 190 | 5.4 |
Shaheed Sukhdev Singh College | 76 | 98800 | 86 | 2.5 |