Premiere for the N131/3300 – first turbine in place
Nordex installed the first N131/3300 turbine. This low-wind turbine, especially designed by the manufacturer for inland sites in Germany, was set up in the “Krampfer” wind farm in Brandenburg for the customer VOSS Energy GmbH, based in Rostock.Originally six N131/3000s were planned for this project, which Nordex was to install for the customer in January. As the N131/3300 with its hub height of 134 metres has already obtained the certificates on the type test, VOSS Energy decided to substitute one of the Delta machines with a newer variant. Depending on the site, this produces higher yields of between four and six percent compared to the older model. Nordex will install the remaining five N131/3000 turbines in January, as planned.
Despite bringing the installation of the N131/3300 forward several weeks weeks, everything went successfully. The early delivery of the turbine, especially the large components, was possible thanks to flexible logistical solutions and good collaboration with the responsible authorities. The turbine now installed will be commissioned in the course of the next few days and connected to the grid before the end of the year. After commissioning Nordex will immediately start making the necessary measurements in order to validate the power curve and verify the sound power level. As with its sister turbine, the N131/3000, the guaranteed maximum sound power level of the N131/3300 is 104.5 dB(A). The former machine fell short of this level by more than one dB(A) according the measurements made in the field to date.
Projects hitherto planned with the N131/3000 can be very simply changed over to the new turbine, as in the case of this first installation in “Krampfer”. Apart from the identical sound power level, another reason for this is the platform concept used.