PrimeVOLT – sole supplier of Made-in-Taiwan inverters
People automatically think about leading brands are come from Europe or the US when it comes to solar power inverters, primarily because Europe and the US happen to be the focus regions during early developments of solar power markets, and also achieved rapid advancements in power systems. More and more companies, including localized specialists, were founded as the solar power market expanded into new areas and became increasingly mature. These localized specialists are often more capable of providing far better services and quality inquiries for clients in the area. PrimeVOLT is major one of such specialized companies.
Taiwan’s first floating solar system went live in June this year at the Agongdian Reservoir in Kaohsiung. This floating solar system use inverters manufactured by PrimeVOLT. PrimeVOLT was founded as a company specializing in the production, research, and development of PV inverters. In 2014, PrimeVOLT was acquired by the multinational power management solution provider Asian Power Devices Inc. (APD) as the core of renewable energy business unit. In 2016, PrimeVOLT released a solar power storage system that further expanded the scope of renewable energy industry.
“PrimeVOLT is the only PV inverter provider where the entire process flow from research, development, design, manufacturing, and services is based in Taiwan,” Chin-ming Chuang, General Manager of PrimeVOLT, highlighted the 100% MIT nature of his company, its most distinguishing feature. Despite being a relatively young company, most of PrimeVOLT’s members own at least 10 years of experience in the power electronics sector, and have joined PrimeVOLT because they share an optimism for the future of the solar power sector.
PrimeVOLT released the 30 kW three-phase on-grid PV inverter at the PV Taiwan 2017 exhibition. This product comes with a double trackers design and can thus be adapted for either an independent system or an integrated system, conferring a greater flexibility for installation.
It is introduced by Chin-ming Chuang that the most striking feature of PrimeVOLT PV inverter is the use of the automotive engine-grade die cast aluminum casing instead of the welded casings used in conventional PV inverter. The greatest advantage of such casing is that it can also double as an effective heat dissipation system, greatly reducing the volume of PV inverter’s internal heat dissipation component and helping to minimize the size and mass of the entire PV inverter. Besides, old casing can also be reused during PV inverter maintenance and repairs, greatly reducing O&M costs.
The importance of quality becomes more apparent in a maturing market.
Chin-ming Chuang pointed out: “The solar power market is maturing. Customers will therefore pay greater attention to quality. When compared to initial investment and costs, the most important issue will be long-term system performance and capacity.” In the other words, PrimeVOLT’s goal is to achieve the best system performance at the most costly investment.
PV inverter is the bridge between the module system and utility, thereby conversion efficiency and long-term reliabilities would be the essential elements of these devices. These elements are not only linked to product quality, but are also influenced by the technical solution and design of the entire package provided to the system. For a company like PrimeVOLT that seeks further expansions into the Taiwanese market, its 100% MIT characteristic provides a definitive advantage for local services.
To contend with Taiwan’s highly humid and hot environment, PrimeVOLT has adopted die cast aluminum exteriors and has ensured that all of its products are approved on IP65 waterproof and anti-corrosion features. Every PV inverteris linked to cloud monitoring system to achieve real-time assessment of the state of PV panel power generation. PrimeVOLT also released an easy-setup DC wiring box to facilitate solar power plant construction and management, reduce cabling costs, and eliminate cable clutter.
PrimeVOLT expects to achieve delivering 100MW PV inverter in Taiwan this year, and will continue to launch diverse selection of PV inverter product with the goal of satisfying the needs of solar power systems no matter which sector and scale.