Provn of 06X 500 Ltr solar water heaters for bathroom of OTM accn at 550 acre of 17 ASSAM (NOW 12 ASSAM) and Provn of spl repair for replacement of BER electric meter with temper proof electronic meter and connected allied wks at GE (West) Area an
Uploading of bid does not constitute any guarantee for opening of price bid of tenderer. Opening of price-bid (cover No 2) of tender will be decided by the Accepting Officer based on interalia, past track record, financial position & experience of similar works executed by the applicant/contractor. The accepting officer shall receive applications (Cover No 1 & price bid cover No 2) upto the last date & time of bid submission /extended date of bid submission as applicable and as mentioned below. The capacity of contractor shall be worked out based on residual capacity i.e. total work load in hand, turnover of last three year as per formula A*N-B, where A is average annual turnover of last 3 financial year, N is period of completion of contracted work (in year calculated till 2 decimal places) and B is valve of balance works in running Govt contracts for above period. The firm/contractor should be profit making, to ascertain this they have to upload TDS certificate of last three years. The applicant/contractor will be informed regarding non opening of cover 2 (Price bid). The applicant/contractor, if he so desires, may appeal to the next Higher Engineer Authority with copy to the Accepting Officer upto seven days prior to the date of opening of price bid (Cover 2).
For More Information Pls.Go Through Below Attached Documents…..
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