PV Plant Safeguarding: Evolve from Passive to Proactive
As fog pollution worsens, people demand further environmental protection actions such as transformation of conventional energy structures and development of cleaner energy resources such as solar energy. As the global photovoltaic (PV) industry has been developing rapidly in recent years, investments in PV plants are booming. PV plant owners were shocked by a fire accident on the rooftop of Apple’s plant in Mesa, Arizona. They have raised concern about the safety of PV plants. Safety is critical to PV plants and fundamental to return on investment (ROI). This article compares the conventional central inverter-based PV plant solution and the string inverter-based PV plant solution and reveals the benefits of evolving from passive
safeguarding to proactive safeguarding for smart PV plants with string inverters.
For More Information Pls.Go Through Below Attached Document…..
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