Quality Engineer Electrical – Solar Power Plant
Job description:
Exp: 3-6 years; The Candidate will be responsible for overseeing the entire quality aspect at the site. The job -quality control at site Inputs / outputs inspection & records, laboratory functioning & sampling, ensuring production is as per ISO norms.TaskPreparation of the Project Quality Plans, Quality Control Plans and Project Quality Procedures which guarantee compliance with contractual requirements and ISO Standards.Preparation of work procedures for different activities.Quality checking of site work, and performing inspection of the Project material / Components & Checking/Inspection the Site Execution work.Monitoring that proper quality standards are maintained at sites. Compliance to applicable manufacturing codes and Implementation of Field quality assurance plans.Shall need to initiate quality improvement activities and make suggestions at all levels at the site. Initiates and promotes all necessary corrective actions for any failure identified within Project Quality.nspection at suppliers works and at project Sites. Checking of Contractor bills & Dealing with Govt. authority regarding site problems. Assesses the Quality Control Plans of sub-contractors and identify any necessary corrective measures.Feedback on major problems, ensure corrective actions & Ensure proactive approach to prevent mistakes.Supports the Project Manager in preparation of all the required project management procedures and documents.Ensures contract review and project close out are adequately performed.Provides the necessary back-up to the Proposal/Project Manager regarding contractual issues relating to Quality both during tender and project execution phase.Provides periodical analysis of project date (NCs-Non Conformity, complaints and lesson learnt). Monitors adequate close out of NCs- Non Conformity and events.Responsible for ensuring personnel comply with standards, Environment, Health, Safety at site, regulation, specification & documented procedure. Training for staff and subcontractor workmen.Overall Responsible for meeting the customer satisfaction by implementing QMS Monitoring the site activities to avoid non-conformances regarding quality.Resolution of quality related problems at site with concurrence of client, if any. Conducting the Management Review Meetings at site for resolution of problems at site, if any.Laboratory Testing and Preparation of Quality Control Reports.Internal Audits at site and at nearby sites.Client co-ordination & Cost Control. To ensure Implementation of EMS/EMP & OSHAS at site.To get Environmental Clearance (EC), Consent To Establish (CTO) & Consent to Operate (CTO).Installation & Commissioning of STP at sites.Monitoring various types of material/ soil testing activities.Maintain QMSP as per ISO.Ensuring compliance of all procedures and systems related to quality and Health, safety and Environment at all sites.
Desired Skills and Experience
Project Quality Plans , quality control , Checking of Contractor bills , Cost Control
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