Railways plans 1,000 MW solar power
The Railways has planned to source about 1,000 Mega Watt (MW) solar power as part of its solar mission, the Lok Sabha was informed today.
Minister of State for Railways Rajen Gohain in a written reply said, ”the Vision 2020 document of the Railways envisages to utilise at least 10 per cent of its energy requirement from renewable sources.”
Further, Indian Railways also plans to harness about 200 MW of wind power in next five years based on techno commercial assessment. Out of this, about 50 MW (14 MW solar and 36 MW wind power) renewable power has already been set up, he sated.
Energy audit on Indian Railways was an ongoing process and in the last year, about 200 energy audits were done.
To improve energy efficiency, it had been decided to use LED lights in all Railway installations progressively and till date, about 200 stations have been provided with LED lighting. UNI RBE AE RJ2028