REFU Elektronik Strengthens Its PV Business With Refusol Brand
REFU Elektronik GmbH has resumed world-wide production, sale and development of its string inverters with multiple award-winning Ultra-Eta® technology, under its own brand name, REFUsol.
“REFU Elektronik has increased investment in development for its PV string inverter business segment, and restructured its sales world-wide, to enable it to create a global presence in the growth market for photovoltaics, for which the REFUsol products are designed”, said Norbert Frings, divisional head of the Energy division in the PRETTL company group, explaining the REFUsol product line’s positioning in REFU Elektronik’s brands portfolio. The company already focusses its efforts on sustainable energy and mobility solutions, and hybridisation, through its REFUenergy and REFUdrive divisions.
REFUsol product range
The current REFUsol product range includes string inverters in the performance classes 8 to 46 kW. The performance-optimised 23K and 46K MV variants, for feed-in with an enhanced AC-voltage of 460 V, continue to be available. “Alongside producing our existing solutions, we will also drive forward the development of new products, to ensure we remain true to REFU’s innovative outlook”, added Frings. “In future, some Production and Logistics functions will still be performed in cooperation by different parts of the PRETTL company group, as before.”
Alongside the tried and tested REFUsol solar inverters, other products for mobile and stationary hybridisation, and for decentral, sustainable energy supply and storage, are available under the REFUenergy and REFUdrive brand names.