Billionaire Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group will develop a 6,000 megawatt Solar Power Park in Rajasthan, a plan that has potential to attract an investment of Rs 60,000 crore.”The Reliance Group has signed an MoU to develop Solar Park and Solar Projects of 6,000 MW capacity, spread over nearly 30,000 acres, over next six years, with a potential to attract investment of about Rs 60,000 crore in Rajasthan,” Ambani said at the Resurgent Rajasthan Summit here.
Ambani said his group has already made investments exceeding over Rs 7,000 crore, spread across solar power generation, telecom, roads, financial services and entertainment sectors in the State.”We were the pioneers to set up the first largest solar photo-voltaic project of 40 MW at Dhirubhai Ambani Solar Park at Pokhran, Jaisalmer District, in a record time of just 129 days from ground breaking. The project was commissioned in March 2012,” he said.
Reliance Group was also the first to commission the world’s largest concentrated solar power project (CSP) of 100 MW, which was commissioned in November 2014.It has invested Rs 3,100 crore in the two projects.Ambani said the Group has invested over Rs 3,000 crore in telecom venture in the state and has over 6 million customers.”We are also one of the largest employers in Rajasthan and provide over 6,000 direct jobs and an estimated upto 25,000 indirect jobs that our businesses provide,” he said.
Rajasthan will play an important role in helping the country achieve the ambitious target of solar power generation of 100,000 MWs or 100 GWs over next 7-8 years.”We have selected Rajasthan as our Solar growth centre in India,” he said adding solar parks will be developed in joint venture with Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation, which will provide world class infrastructure to potential solar developers, who are looking to invest in Rajasthan.They will be named as ‘The Dhirubhai Ambani Solar Park’.