Renewable Energy Group Statement on EPA Proposed Renewable Fuel Volumes
Renewable Energy Group, Inc. President and CEO Daniel J. Oh issued the following statement after the EPA’s release of the proposed rule for Renewable Volume Obligations (RVO) that calls for 2.1 billion gallons of biomass-based diesel for 2018 and 4.0 billion ethanol equivalent gallons of overall advanced biofuels for 2017:
“We are pleased that EPA has again proposed continued growth of biomass-based diesel and overall advanced biofuel volumes. This proposal provides greater certainty in the marketplace, reflects the expanding usage and blend levels consumers want, and points towards continuing growth for the cleaner, lower carbon intensity fuel we produce.”
“We are very appreciative of the advanced biofuel advocates within the Administration and on Capitol Hill for their consistent support. We will continue to work alongside our industry partners to provide the EPA, OMB and other federal agencies additional market data that will support additional growth in the D4 (biomass-based diesel) and D5 (general advanced biofuel) categories, as we believe that there is a compelling basis for further increases over time.”
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