Replacement of existing conventional street light by Solar LED street light system at New Model Railway Colony, Izatnagar.
The Tenderer(s) shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of the Tender. It is understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the Tenderer(s) and the Tenderer(s), is / are permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his / their part that after submitting his / their tender subject to the period being extended further, if required by mutual agreement from time to time, he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Sr. DEE (G.)/IZN of N.E. Railway, Should the tenderer fail to observe or comply with the foregoing stipulation, the amount deposited as Earnest Money for the due performance of the above stipulation, shall be forfeited to the Railway.More InformationSolar LED street light system
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