RERC (T&C for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020
RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020
For use of both EHV and distribution network, both transmission and wheeling charges as well as losses, as applicable, shall be payable:
- Provided that in case of Power Purchase Agreements executed and plants commissioned up to 31.03.2007 under the State Government Policies specified in Regulation 88, the charges as per Policy shall be applicable unless RE power plant opts otherwise:
- Provided further that there shall be an exemption of 75% in Intra-State transmission charges and wheeling charges for the Renewable Energy with Storage projects installed after the date of notification of these Regulations and before 31.03.2023 either set up as Captive Project or supplying power to third party under Open Access. This exemption shall be applicable for first seven years of operation from the date of commissioning of the Project:
- Provided also that there shall be an exemption of 100% in Intra State transmission charges and wheeling charges for Solar Power Project set up after the date of notification of these Regulations and before 31.03.2023 for supplying power to Electric Vehicle charging stations either under Captive route or through open access. This exemption shall be applicable for first ten years from the date of establishing of Electric Vehicle charging stations:
- Provided also that, the above exemptions shall be applicable for projects with individual plant capacity of maximum 25 MW and for the total capacity of 500 MW.
For more information please see below link:
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