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Rochester’s Religious Houses Embrace Community Solar

Rochester’s Religious Houses Embrace Community Solar


ROCHESTER, N.Y.: Rochester houses of worship are now reaping the benefits of Abundant Energy’s community solar program. Their participation will save an estimated 10% on their annual electric costs with no down payments or installations. Additional subscriptions are available to residents, small businesses, and places of worship in the area. Reservations can be made at abundant.signup.ampion.net.

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Under Abundant Energy’s community solar program, Rochester’s religious homes are offsetting their electric bills with “solar credits” generated from Abundant Energy’s solar farms. In addition to the environmental benefits, they also have a financial incentive, as credits are sold at a 10% discount from their value, resulting in an estimated 10% savings on their annual electric costs. Eight houses of worship are currently participating, including Downtown United Presbyterian, Community Christian Church, and Temple B’rith Kodesh.

“As pastor of a church that takes stewardship and creation care seriously,” said Pastor Steve Gretz of Greece Baptist Church, “I’m happy to have us be part of a program that encourages production of more clean, renewable energy–and lets our members save a bit on their bills at the same time. This is a real win-win solution for us!”

On Abundant Energy’s behalf, the solar projects will be managed by Ampion. “Whether it’s a house of worship or its congregants,” said Nate Owen, Ampion’s CEO, “community solar is the answer, plain and simple. It’s the answer to sustainability, local economy, and lower bills. It makes a big difference, which is why we’re trying to reach as many people as we can while we still have capacity.”

Additional subscriptions are available to residents, small businesses, and other customers of Rochester Gas & Electric. You can learn more and enroll at abundant.signup.ampion.net or call (585) 299-5966.

About Abundant Energy:

With competitive levels of industry experience, Abundant takes solar development ideas and transforms them into viable, energy producing entities with financial and environmental benefits for everyone. They are fully committed to the origination, development, installation, and operation of solar power projects across North America. Visit their website at http://www.abundant.solar/.

About Ampion:

Ampion empowers the clean energy revolution by brining community energy programs to local communities. Through its software platform, Ampion connects residents, businesses, and other consumers with clean energy facilities that lower their electric costs without the need for installations or upfront costs. Learn more at https://ampion.io/.

Source: Ampion
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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