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RPT-ICRA ratings for Indian debt instruments-May 20

RPT-ICRA ratings for Indian debt instruments-May 20

(Repeating to add additional ratings as of May 17, 2019)
Below are the ratings awarded by Investment Information Credit Rating
Agency Ltd. (ICRA) for local debt instruments as of May 17, 2019.

COMPANY                                 INSTRUMENT            RATING      AMOUNT   MOVEMENT
------                                  ----------            ------      -----    ---------
Aditya Auto Products &                  ST-Fund based         ICRA A2      493.5   Reaffirmed
Engineering (I) Pvt Ltd
Aditya Auto Products &                  ST-Non- fund based    ICRA A2      112.5   Reaffirmed
Engineering (I) Pvt Ltd
Axis Securities Ltd                     ST FB Bk Fac          ICRA A1+     500     Assigned
Axis Securities Ltd                     ST non-fund based Bk  ICRA A1+     2000    Assigned
Axis Securities Ltd                     CP programme          ICRA A1+     1000    Reaffirmed
Genus Electrotech Ltd                   Non-fund Based - LOC  ICRA A3      932     revised from
                                                                                   ICRA A3+
Jm Financial Products Ltd               CP (IPO Financing)    ICRA A1+     15000   outstanding
Jm Financial Products Ltd               CP (CP) Programme     ICRA A1+     45000   outstanding
Lumino Industries Ltd                   Non-FB Fac – LOC      ICRA A2+     -       Withdrawn
Lumino Industries Ltd                   Non-FB Fac – BG       ICRA A2+     -       Withdrawn
Luxmi Tea Company Pvt Ltd               FB – ST Loan          ICRA A2+     -       Revised from
                                                                                   ICRA A1
Munjal Auto Industries Ltd              ST Fund based         ICRA A1+     150     Outstanding
Hamsa Minerals & Exports                ST - FB               ICRA D       100     revised from
                                                                                   ICRA A4
Rating continues to remain under ‘(Issuer not cooperating)’ category
Munjal Auto Industries Ltd              ST Non-fund based     ICRA A1+     166.4   Outstanding
Munjal Auto Industries Ltd              CP                    ICRA A1+     150     Outstanding
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Overnight    ICRA A1+mfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Liquid Fund  ICRA A1+mfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Money Market ICRA A1+mfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Interval     ICRA A1+mfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund – Quarterly
                                        Interval Fund – Series III
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Interval     ICRA A1+mfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund – Monthly
                                        Interval Fund – Series I
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Interval     ICRA A1+mfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund – Monthly
                                        Interval Fund – Series II
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Interval     ICRA A1+mfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund - Quarterly
                                        Interval Fund - Series II
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Ultra Short  ICRA A1mfs@  -       downgraded
Management Ltd                          Duration Fund                              from ICRA
                                                                                   A1+mfs and 
@Under rating Watch with Negative Implications
Religare Broking Ltd                    ST Bk Lines           ICRA A4@     6000    downgraded
                                                                                   from ICRA A3@
(Rs. 339 crore outstanding). 
'@ - Rating Watch with Negative Implications
Religare Broking Ltd                    CP Programme          ICRA A4@     4000    downgraded
                                                                                   from ICRA A3@
@ - Rating Watch with Negative Implications
Religare Housing Development            ST Debt Programme     ICRA A3@     1000    revised to
Finance Corporation Ltd                                                            ICRA A4@;
@ - Rating Watch with Negative Implications
Same Deutz-Fahr India Pvt Ltd           ST – Fund based       ICRA A1+     -       Reaffirmed
Same Deutz-Fahr India Pvt Ltd           ST – Non Fund based   ICRA A1+     -       Reaffirmed
Sharekhan Bnp Paribas                   CP Programme (IPO     ICRA A1+     -       Withdrawn
Financial Services Pvt Ltd              Financing)
Sharekhan Bnp Paribas                   CP Programme          ICRA A1+     10000   Outstanding
Financial Services Pvt Ltd
Sri Vinayakha Spinning Mills            ST – Non-fund based   ICRA A4      19.6    -
Pvt Ltd
(Issuer not cooperating)
Taj Sats Air Catering Ltd               ST, Non-FBL           ICRA A1+     20      Reaffirmed
Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd                ST; Non-FB Fac        ICRA A1+     4070    Reaffirmed

Aditya Auto Products &                  LT-TL                 ICRA BBB+    154     Reaffirmed
Engineering (I) Pvt Ltd
Aditya Auto Products &                  LT-Fund based/CC      ICRA BBB+    420     Reaffirmed
Engineering (I) Pvt Ltd
Caddie Hotels Pvt Ltd                   TL                    ICRA BBB+    2500    Reaffirmed
Caddie Hotels Pvt Ltd                   Non-FBL               ICRA BBB+    600     Reaffirmed
                                                              /ICRA A2
Divine Titanium Pvt Ltd                 LT FB - Proposed TL   ICRA B-      120     Assigned
Genus Electrotech Ltd                   FB - TL               ICRA BBB-    330     revised from
                                                                                   ICRA BBB
Genus Electrotech Ltd                   FB - CC               ICRA BBB-    888     revised from
                                                                                   ICRA BBB
Genus Electrotech Ltd                   Non-fund Based - BG   ICRA BBB-    180     revised from
                                                                                   ICRA BBB
Guruvayoor Infrastructure Pvt           TL                    ICRA BBB     2591.2  Reaffirmed
Guruvayoor Infrastructure Pvt           NCD                   ICRA BBB     895.3   Reaffirmed
Hamsa Minerals & Exports                LT - FB - CC          ICRA D       35      revised from
                                                                                   ICRA B-
Rating continues to remain under ‘(Issuer not cooperating)’ category
Hamsa Minerals & Exports                LT - FB TL            ICRA D       33.5    revised from
                                                                                   ICRA B-
Rating continues to remain under ‘(Issuer not cooperating)’ category
Hamsa Minerals & Exports                LT / ST - Unallocated ICRA D       23.5    revised from
                                                                                   ICRA B- /A4
Rating continues to remain under ‘(Issuer not cooperating)’ category
Ibrox Real Estate Development           Fund Based- TL        ICRA]BBB+    3050    Reaffirmed
Pvt Ltd
Jm Financial Products Ltd               LT Bk Lines           ICRA AA      25000   assigned/
Jm Financial Products Ltd               NCD Programme         ICRA AA      5700    outstanding
Jm Financial Products Ltd               NCD Programme         ICRA AA      19300   outstanding
Jm Financial Products Ltd               NCD Programme (Public ICRA AA      20000   outstanding
Jm Financial Products Ltd               LT Market Linked      PP-MLD       4550    outstanding
                                        Debentures (Principal ICRA AA
K.R.K. Educational Trust                LT – FB TL            ICRA C       300     -
(Issuer not cooperating)
Lumino Industries Ltd                   FB Fac - CC           ICRA A-      -       Withdrawn
Lumino Industries Ltd                   FB Fac – Bills        ICRA A-      -       Withdrawn
                                        discounting under LOC
Lumino Industries Ltd                   Issuer Rating         ICRA A-      -       Withdrawn
Luxmi Tea Company Pvt Ltd               FB-TL                 ICRA A-      980     Revised from
                                                                                   ICRA A
Luxmi Tea Company Pvt Ltd               FB – CC               ICRA A-      295     Revised from
                                                                                   ICRA A
Munjal Auto Industries Ltd              LT Fund based/ CC     ICRA AA-     150     Outstanding
Munjal Auto Industries Ltd              LT Fund based TL      ICRA AA-     795.9   Outstanding
Munjal Auto Industries Ltd              LT/ ST Unallocated    ICRA AA- /   37.7    Outstanding
                                                              ICRA A1+
Pan India Infraprojects Pvt Ltd         Long-TL               ICRA D       6410    revised from
                                                                                   ICRA BB-
Pan India Infraprojects Pvt Ltd         LT, Unallocated LimitsICRA D       5590    revised from
                                                                                   ICRA BBB-
Prp Professional Edge                   Bk Fac Programme      ICRA BB      -       Withdrawn
Associates Pvt Ltd
Ramani Hotels Ltd                       FBL – TL              ICRA B       186.4   Withdrawn
(Issuer not cooperating)
Ramani Hotels Ltd                       FBL – CC              ICRA B       155     Withdrawn
(Issuer not cooperating)
Ramani Hotels Ltd                       Unallocated Limit     ICRA B /     38.6    Withdrawn
                                                              ICRA A4
(Issuer not cooperating)
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Strategic    ICRA A+mfs@  -       downgraded
Management Ltd                          Debt Fund                                  from ICRA
                                                                                   AAmfs and 
                                                                                   placed on 
                                                                                   rating watch 
                                                                                   with negative
@Under rating Watch with Negative Implications
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Low Duration ICRA AAAmfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Bking & PSU  ICRA AAAmfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Debt Fund
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Dynamic Bond ICRA AAAmfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Fund
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Floating     ICRA AAAmfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd                          Rate Fund
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Income Fund  ICRA AAAmfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance ST Fund      ICRA AAAmfs  -       Outstanding
Management Ltd
Reliance Nippon Life Asset              Reliance Prime Debt   ICRA AA-mfs@ -       downgraded
Management Ltd                          Fund                                       from ICRA
                                                                                   AAAmfs and 
                                                                                   placed on 
                                                                                   rating watch 
                                                                                   with negative
@Under rating Watch with Negative Implications
Religare Housing Development            LT/ST Bk Limits       ICRA         12000   revised to
Finance Corporation Ltd                                       BBB-@/ICRA           ICRA
                                                              A3@                  BB@/ICRA A4@;
@ - Rating Watch with Negative Implications
Same Deutz-Fahr India Pvt Ltd           LT – FB Fac           ICRA AA-     800     Reaffirmed
Snn Builders Pvt Ltd                    LT- Fund Based- TL    ICRA]BBB+    850     Reaffirmed
Snn Builders Pvt Ltd                    LT- Unallocated       ICRA]BBB+    670     Reaffirmed
Snn Homes Llp                           Fund Based- TL        ICRA BBB+    1240    Reaffirmed
Snn Properties Llp                      Fund Based- CC        ICRA]BBB+    1990    Reaffirmed
Snn Spiritua Developers                 Fund Based- TL        ICRA]BBB+    500     Withdrawn
Sri Vinayakha Spinning Mills            LT – FB CC            ICRA BB-     75      -
Pvt Ltd
(Issuer not cooperating)
Sri Vinayakha Spinning Mills            LT – FB TL            ICRA BB-     55.4    -
Pvt Ltd
(Issuer not cooperating)
Sri Vinayakha Spinning Mills            LT/ST – Unallocated   ICRA BB-     16.7    -
Pvt Ltd                                                       /ICRA A4
(Issuer not cooperating)
Srinath Agencies                        Fund based            ICRA BB      87.5    Withdrawn
(Issuer not cooperating)
Srinath Agencies                        Unallocated           ICRA BB      112.5   Withdrawn
(Issuer not cooperating)
Taj Sats Air Catering Ltd               LT, FB Limits         ICRA AA-     80      Reaffirmed
Taj Sats Air Catering Ltd               Unallocated           ICRA AA-     90      Reaffirmed
Taj Sats Air Catering Ltd               LT/ST, FB/ Non-FBL    ICRA AA-     -       Reaffirmed
                                        (Sublimit of LT, FB   /ICRA A1+
Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd         NCDs                  ICRA AA-     5000    Assigned
Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd         Non-FB limit          ICRA AA-     7000    Outstanding
Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd         FB TL                 ICRA AA-     5000    Outstanding
Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd         Unallocated           ICRA AA-     5000    Outstanding
Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd                TL                    ICRA A+      2000    Assigned
Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd                LT; FB Fac            ICRA A+      2082    Reaffirmed
Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd                LT / ST; Unallocated  ICRA A+ /A1+ 94      Reaffirmed
$: Rating watch with positive implication
#: Rating Watch with Developing implications
@: Rating Watch with Negative Implications
%: Rating under Credit Watch
wd -Rating Stands Withdrawn
sp -Rating Suspended
pp -Principal Protected
pn -Principal Not Protected

ICRA may apply + or - signs for ratings to reflect a comparative standing within the category.

BG-Bank Guarantee; CC-Cash Credit; CCPS-Cumulative Convertible Preference Share; CD-Certificate
of Deposit; CLO-Collateralized Loan Obligation; CPA-Claims Paying Ability; CP-Commercial
Paper; CPS-convertible preference shares; CRPS- Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preference
shares; DDB-Deep Discount Bond; EPBI-Exchange premium bond; FBL-Fund Based Limits; FRB/FRN
-Floating Rate Bond/Note; ICD -Inter Corporate Deposit; ITD-Immediate Term Debt; LOC-Letter of
Credit; LT -Long Term; LTB -Long Term Borrowing; LTD -Long Term Debt; MOCD-multiple option
convertible debenture; MTD -Medium term Debenture; MTN-medium term notes; NCD(SO) -
Non-Convertible Debenture-(Structured Obligation); NCD-Non-convertible Debentures; NCRB-Non
Convertible Redeemable Bonds; NM-Not Meaningful; OCD-optionally convertible debenture; OD-Over
Draft; OFCD-Optionally Fully Convertible Debenture; PCD-Partially Convertible Debenture;
PCN-partly convertible notes; PCPS-Partly Convertible Preference Share; POCD-partly optional;
PP-privately placed; PSPC-Post Shipment & Packing Credit; PS-Preference Shares; PTC-Pass
Through Certificates; RPS-Redeemable Preference Shares; SCPN-secured convertible preference
notes; SDO-Structured Debt Obligation; SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio; SO-Structured
Obligation; SPCD - Secured Partly Convertible Debentures; SPN-secured premium notes; STB-Short
Term Bond; STD-Short Term Debentures; ST-Short Term; Sub. Bonds-Subordinate Bonds; TB-Taxable
Bond; TFB-Tax Free Bond; TL-Term Loan; TOCD-triple option convertible debentures.

(Mumbai Rate Reporting Unit + 91 22 6180 7222 / 3317 7222 , E-mail at

Source: reuters
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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