San Diego Solar Day Ignites Kids’ Interest in Renewable Energy with Solar Science Challenges
Baker Electric Solar, a full-service solar company, and Cleantech San Diego, a nonprofit trade organization supporting the region’s cleantech economy, hosted the 2nd Annual San Diego Solar Day (SDSD) on Saturday, April 15 at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM). This Earth Month celebration is the first solar-intensive middle and high school event of its kind in San Diego. Following the debut of four kid-produced “Rock the Sun” renewable energy short films and remarks from community leaders, kids ages 10 to 18 took part in a variety of solar science challenges. The activities included: working hand-in-hand with members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) to construct a working solar car charging station; building and racing mini solar race cars; watching Aurora Solar photovoltaic design demos; creating solar grasshoppers; and taking part in an interactive “sun-inspired” social media display.
The kids also received education and clean energy job tips at college and career readiness booths staffed by community and industry professionals. Speakers included: Sam Abed, City of Escondido, Mayor; Patricia Prado-Olmos, CSUSM, Vice President of Community Engagement; James A. Floros, Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank, CEO and President; Jason Anderson, Cleantech San Diego, President and CEO; and Mike Teresso, Baker Electric Solar, President. “San Diego Solar Day is intended to motivate kids to shape the future of renewable energy within their communities now and into the future. We’re not standing by as the world debates climate change and ways to encourage job growth,” said Baker Electric Solar President Mike Teresso. “Solar and other clean energies continue to drive a powerful new economy while providing a safe clean environment. What better way to sustain this growth and clean energy consciousness than educating and inspiring the next generation? Baker Electric Solar and Cleantech San Diego share this vision.”
“In sunny San Diego, solar energy has been a key part of our cleantech story since day one, and we are proud to rank #1 in the nation for solar installations,” said Cleantech San Diego President and CEO Jason Anderson. “San Diego Solar Day is an exciting way to not only celebrate our region’s solar strengths, but to inspire and mentor the next generation of renewable energy champions, innovators, and workers.”
For more information, visit https://www.bakerelectricsolar.com.