SECI extends bid submission deadline for 4MW grid connected floating solar PV power plants
Extension of bid submission deadline- VIII : Selection of Solar Power Developers for setting up of 4MW grid connected floating solar PV power plants with 2MW/ 1MWh BESS system at Kalpong dam, Diglipur, North Andaman
This is in reference to the RfS No. SECI/C&P/SPD/RfS/A&N/4MW/012020 dated 13.01.2020 regarding the Tender for “Selection of Solar Power Developers for Setting up of 4MW Grid Connected Floating Solar PV Power Plants with 2MW/ 1MWh BESS System at Kalpong Dam, Diglipur, North Andaman”.
The last date of bid submission is hereby extended till 30.06.2020 (18:00 HRS). The techno-commercial bid opening shall be carried out w.e.f. 10:00 HRS on 03.07.2020.
Prospective bidders are requested to remain updated for any notices/ amendments/ clarifications etc. to the NIT documents through the websites www.seci.co.in and https://www.bharat-electronictender.com as no separate notification will be issued.
Tender Search Code (TSC) for the RfS in ETI : SECI-2020-TN000004
Tender ID for the RfS in CPPP : 2020_SECI_ 509894_1