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SECI: Regarding Site-visit and Pre-bid meeting for the 8 MW Waste to Energy Project in Kanpur – EQ Mag Pro


This is in reference to the RfS issued for setting up of 8 MW Waste-to-Energy Project in Kanpur. In view of the current scenario on account of the Covid-19 situation, the site-visit and pre-bid meeting for the Project have been rescheduled as follows:

Site-visit: 02.02.2022

Pre-bid meeting: 04.02.2022.

While the site visits will be organized by Department of Urban Development, UP, as per the above schedule, those willing to visit the site as per the original schedule may contact the following official and visit the site as per the schedule and timings mutually agreed to.

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network