As businesses adopt solar at an unprecedented rate and the tax reform debate begins in Washington, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is convening business, finance, and legal leaders to discuss these critical issues and more in New York City from May 31 to June 2. SEIA will host its Solar Goes Corporate summit, on May 31, and the SEIA Finance and Tax Seminar, on June 1-2.
SEIA’s new president and CEO, Abigail Ross Hopper, will make opening remarks at both events.
The Solar Goes Corporate summit will dive into how small businesses and large companies, solar project developers, and service providers can successfully procure, deploy, and invest in solar. The summit comes as businesses are adopting solar at a breakneck speed, accounting for a record 10 percent of all solar capacity added in 2016. Featured speakers include executives from Walmart, Microsoft, Target, Etsy, Monumental Sports & Entertainment, National Geographic, and other solar industry leaders.
The summit will explore:
The state of the commercial and industrial solar markets
Opening up the commercial real estate sector
How different sectors approach solar energy procurement
To see the full agenda and register, go to https://events.bizzabo.com/SGCNYC.
The SEIA Finance and Tax Seminar, the industry’s preeminent tax event, will convene as a new administration and Congress have made tax reform one of their highest priorities. The meeting will bring together industry experts from the government and private sector for an in-depth look at the tax reform debate on Capitol Hill, the Investment Tax Credit, and other issues such as energy storage and opening the small commercial and industrial sector.
Other featured topics include:
Finance and tax considerations with low & middle income solar
Trends in private equity investment, tax equity and debt
To see the full agenda and register, go to https://events.bizzabo.com/FINANCETAXSPRING2017/home
About SEIA®: Celebrating its 43rd anniversary in 2017, the Solar Energy Industries Association® is the national trade association of the U.S. solar energy industry, which now employs more than 260,000 Americans. Through advocacy and education, SEIA® is building a strong solar industry to power America. SEIA works with its 1,000 member companies to build jobs and diversity, champion the use of cost-competitive solar in America, remove market barriers and educate the public on the benefits of solar energy. Visit SEIA online at www.seia.org.