SenseHawk, an Artificial Intelligence driven data and analytics software company, recently set a world-first benchmark of assessing the health of 2.5 million solar modules in record time at one of the largest single location solar plants in the world, the Adani Kamuthi Solar Plant in Tamil Nadu.
Adani’s Kamuthi solar plant, with a DC capacity of 780 MWs is amongst the largest in the world. It spans an area of 2,500 acres, equivalent to about 950 football fields, and contains 2.5 million solar modules that converts solar radiation into clean electricity.
Monitoring the health of each solar module and tracking module level defects in such a large plant is done using a technique called Thermography. This technique uses infrared photography to identify abnormally high temperatures within solar modules that indicates a potential defect. Using manual methods, it can take many months to conduct thermography for a plant of this size making it impractical to implement. This is where SenseHawk’s advanced solution comes in.
SenseHawk’s proprietary ThermTM solution used robotics combined with machine learning based analytics to complete a comprehensive thermal scan of the solar plant in less than 3 weeks. Every single solar module was imaged using an infrared camera, the images analysed automatically using machine learning algorithms, with final reports delivered using the SenseHawk ThermTM cloud software.
This was the second time that Kamuthi Solar Plant was scanned using SenseHawk’s solution in a span of 18 months. Regular thermographic analyses using SenseHawk ThermTM has helped Adani Solar track module level defects and potential degradation issues accurately, thereby increasing energy yield. Mr. Jayant Parimal, CEO, Adani Green Energy Ltd. said, “As the leading Solar Power Developer in India, we are always pushing the boundaries in terms of using state of the art technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence for better asset management. SenseHawk is leveraging new age technologies for improved solar asset management, and we have been successfully working with them for the last two years with good results.”
Leading solar power developers like Adani have been at the forefront in adopting new age technologies be it in plant design, construction progress monitoring or O&M. Companies like SenseHawk with deep domain expertise in Solar and Artificial Intelligence are enabling infrastructure owners to effectively address asset management challenges using new age technologies.
About SenseHawk
SenseHawk (www.sensehawk.com), a US and India based company, is a leader in data analytics software for the entire solar lifecycle. SenseHawk Core is the company’s powerful cloud-based platform with completely integrated applications to support everything from solar plant design and construction to operation and maintenance. Using the power of AI analytics, Core applications deliver actionable insights to support key processes and decisions. Used worldwide, the company’s software has delivered data analytics for more than 17 GWs of solar assets across 12 countries. SenseHawk is led by founders with more than 15 years of experience. SenseHawk raised USD $2 million in September last year from SAIF Partners for product development and expansion into new regions.