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  3. Site Visit & Pre-bid meeting notification: Tender for setting up of grid connected 30 MW Floating Solar PV (FSPV) Plants on Raw Water Reservoirs of DVC Thermal Power Plants at Koderma, Mejia and Raghunathpur Thermal Power stations – EQ Mag Pro

Site Visit & Pre-bid meeting notification: Tender for setting up of grid connected 30 MW Floating Solar PV (FSPV) Plants on Raw Water Reservoirs of DVC Thermal Power Plants at Koderma, Mejia and Raghunathpur Thermal Power stations – EQ Mag Pro


Site Visit & Pre-bid meeting notification: Tender for setting up of grid connected 30 MW Floating Solar PV (FSPV) Plants on Raw Water Reservoirs of DVC Thermal Power Plants at Koderma, Mejia and Raghunathpur Thermal Power stations.

PMC: Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI), New Delhi, India

Owner: Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

Project: Innovation in Solar Power and Hybrid Technologies Project

Contract title: Tender for setting up of grid connected 30 MW Floating Solar PV (FSPV) Plants on Raw Water Reservoirs of DVC Thermal Power Plants at Koderma, Mejia and Raghunathpur Thermal Power stations.

Tender No: SECI/C&P/PMC/11/0002/2022-23

Tender Search Code (TSC) for the RfB : SECI-2022-TN000018

Site Visit:

All prospective bidders are required to kindly contact and coordinate with the below mentioned DVC officials regarding the timings and arrangement for site visit at KODERMA (JHARKHAND), MEJIA (WEST BENGAL) & RAGHUNATHPUR (WEST BENGAL):

(i) Shri Dharmendra Sharma, DCE (RE&EE), DVC, M: +91-8709577330

(ii) Shri Rajib Khan, SDE (RE&EE), DVC, M: +91-9635626202

Pre-Bid meeting:

The Pre-Bid meeting has been scheduled at 12th Floor Conference Room, DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata-700 054 on 01.07.2022 at 1100 Hours. The meeting will be conducted in both online & offline modes. The details of the online meeting are mentioned below :

please join the meeting at 01.07.2022, 1100 Hours, India Standard Time (UTC+5:30), by clicking on this link:


Its mandatory to send across the details of the Bidder team members at umesh.patidar@seci.co.in & sandeeprana@seci.co.in, who wish to participate in the subject Pre-Bid meeting, so as to arrange necessary formalities at SECI’s end. Mail confirmation along with the person details is to be sent latest by 30.06.2022.

Prospective Bidders are requested to remain updated for any notices wrt the Site visit, Pre Bid meeting & Bidding document through the website www.seci.co.in and https://www.bharat-electronictender.com, as no separate notification will be issued in this regard.

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network