Innovative Solar Systems, an Asheville, NC based Solar Farm Development company is once again dominating the solar energy market by having the largest pipeline of projects in development in the Texas market. ISS company representatives report that ISS has over 50 Utility Scale projects in development that range size from 35MW to over 200MW. The company’s entire Texas pipeline totals several GW’s and all of the projects will be ready for construction soon. Texas users of power are lining up for the ISS Standard PPA offering which is somewhere between avoided cost and retail power prices states ISS’s CEO. Large buyers of Renewable Energy want these large blocks of power from Innovative Solar Systems for many reasons and power price is no longer many companies primary concern.
ISS is offering PPA contracts in Texas that range in contract length from 10 to 25 years. ISS has approximately 8Million MW/hours of power that the company is entering into long term contracts with Texas off Takers on at this time. Many of the Texas projects will be sold to third party entities after the projects come online due to the magnitude and size of these assets and their associated IRR’s. Innovative Solar Systems is currently in negotiations on the Texas pipeline with several Oil and Gas companies, Family Offices as well as groups of Foreign Pension Funds and IPP’s. Solar Farm assets have quickly become some of the most sought after investments in the market due to their large returns and lengths of those returns. Where else can an investor get over 10% yearly solid returns for forty (40) years? Solar Farms have become the new gold standard for investors willing to invest anywhere from $100MM to well over $10 Billion for safer, low risk, large and steady IRR’s.
Even savvier investors are investing in the shorter term “Early Stage Solar Farm Development” of projects for 2X and 3X returns in shorter investment periods, typically 12-24 months.