Solar Farm Developer Offers 5.5GW Pipeline of 20MW-80MW Size Solar Projects
The parent company of Solar Farms, LLC, (ISS), based in Asheville NC, was recently ranked as a Top Ten Developer of Solar Farms in North America by Solar Power World. The company has built on this success by hiring top solar industry executives along with solar farm development professionals and is now developing approximately 10 Gigawatts of Solar Farm projects per year across thirty (30) states.
The owners of the company are passionate about Utility Scale Solar Farm Projects and their project development portfolios now encompass approximately 75% of US states and across multiple markets. Even before the uncertainty of tax credits in 2015 the company pressed forward with their expansion plans and it has, without a doubt, paid off. The company currently has over 120 Utility Scale Solar Farm Projects (20-80MWac) in various development stages. As their aggressive growth plan has received much traction, they are currently seeking strategic partners, who have interest in investing, financing or owning premium Solar Farms here in the US.
The company’s owners did not only ramp up their production of Solar Farms, but added key personnel to their team. Bringing together individuals that have worked for Utility Commissions, Utility Companies, Investment Banking Firms, and Professional Engineers, the company not only has the largest portfolio of Solar Farms in the United States, but a very skilled, educated, and top rated team to truly develop some of the top performing Solar Farms in the US Solar Industry.
ISS is currently in the process of finding strategic partners for these Utility Scale Solar Farm projects which will offer investors above average returns.