Innovative Solar Systems, an Asheville, NC based developer of Utility Scale Solar Farms has just announced the first of many joint ventures between VIVO Power and ISS. The first JV that just recently closed involves VIVO Power purchasing a total of 37 Utility Scale Solar Farm projects from ISS that totals 1.8GW’s of Solar Energy plants. Representatives from both companies are very excited about this joint collaboration and state that it is natural fit in that both companies’ plans are to develop, design and construct well over 5GW’s of Solar Farms over the next several years and this is just the first of many large joint ventures that the two companies plan together. The most recent purchase of 1.8GW’s of Solar Farm projects from Innovative Solar Systems was not the first venture that ISS and VIVO has had together and most recently VIVO has just brought online Several ISS projects, both IS31-35MW(AC) and IS47-35MW(AC).
VIVO Power is just one of many of ISS’s large clients that repeatedly buys and constructs the quality Solar Farms that ISS delivers to the solar market place. Innovative Solar Systems is known for developing crown jewel Solar Farm projects all across the United States that offer buyers and investors the highest returns, and overall lowest operating costs. ISS has become the #1 US Developer of Utility Scale Solar Farms and has a yearly pipeline of approximately 200 projects in over thirty states that total over 10GW’s. Large investment funds have grown to depend on ISS for their yearly capacity of high quality projects that the company is able to deliver at either “Shovel Ready,” NTP or full COD. ISS is without a doubt the best and highest quality Solar Farm Development Company in the US for many reasons and new clients are lining up daily to cement new relationships and JV’s with ISS as ISS is the largest and most sophisticated developer of Utility Scale Solar Projects in the US.nnovative Solar Systems will be shutting down their new client list soon and then the company will no longer be taking on any additional new clients. After ISS forms a few more relationships with Billion Dollar funds that wish to build and own the majority of ISS’s yearly pipeline the company will no longer be selling large blocks of projects on the open market so time is truly of the essence for any entities wanting to secure large blocks of projects (300MW-3GW per year) for the next five years. The minimum block or portfolio of projects that ISS now sells to any new client is 300MW (AC) min. Most new clients that ISS is currently forming partnerships with all wish to have solid access to a minimum of 500MW to 1GW of projects per year. Innovative Solar Systems is not the company that sells singular projects anymore, the company sells no less that 300MW’s to any single buyer on any single transaction now, this is important to note when contacting ISS to explore the possibility of becoming a new ISS client.
Read the VIVO Press Release
To become a New Client please contact us below for project prices, terms and details;
Contact – CFO (Mr. Craig Sherman) at +1 828 767 1015
Contact – CEO (John E Green) at +1 828 215 9064
Email – craigsherman@solarfarmsales.com
Email – johngreen@innovativesolarsystemsllc.com
SOURCE Innovative Solar Systems